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Vzhodna hiša

The Eastern House is a video that rereads some key names and some key sequences from the film history: Antonioni (Blow-up), Coppola (Apocalypse Now), Don Siegel. As well it re-articulates the body and conceptual happenings performed in the Eastern European context. The video is a homage to Nesa Paripovic's happenings and body actions from the 1970s in Belgrade. The text is a political intervention in the field of theory regarding the question of global capitalism and the radical position of technology in the cyberworld with a clear reference to a cyberfeminist attitude and positioning. In this respect, the question of sex and empathy in the cyberworld is raised as well as the ethical and political questioning of cloning and hybrid identities. One of the key moments in the video is the re-reading of Bush’s US war against Iraq, 2003.

, , 17m
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