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Le capitaine Fracasse

A nobleman decides to join a traveling group of actors to be with a girl he admires, but ultimately must rescue her from bandits

, , , 92m

A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.

, 75m

Maman Colibri

A neglected Baroness falls in love with her oldest son's military officer friend, their adulterous romance leading the two to flee to Algeria.

, , 75m

Varhaník u sv. Víta

The most important silent film by director Martin Frič. Poet Vitezslav Nezval did scenographic modifications to the original story by Václav Wasserman. Film producer Jaroslav Stransky didn’t witness premier; because of fear of financial collapse, he killed himself.

, , , 78m

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Two Penny Magic (Zweigroschenzauber) starting off with a little magic trick. It then presents an array of images from swimmers, bicyclers, murderers, airplanes in flight, boxers, lovers, runners, becoming in the end a collection of images in a magazine.

, , 2m

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Bold and exhilarating documentary account of the building of the Turkestan-Siberian railway, presented as a heroic triumph of Soviet progress over natural adversity.

, , 75m

A young Chinese woman, working in the kitchen at a London dance club, is given the chance to become the club's main act.

, , 92m

Histoire de détective

This story is built up with filmed documents in an experimental fashion.

, , 50m

La femme et le pantin

Womanizer Don Mateo helps a girl in a train when attacked by a other woman. This girl, Conchita - a cigarette maker, soon visits the rich Don Mateo at his palace in Sevillia. He falls for her, but she likes to play with him.

, , , 110m

Tagebuch einer Verlorenen

After falling pregnant to a pharmacist and refusing to marry, a young woman is thrown from her home and sent to a strict girls' reform school.

, , , 104m

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Duke Ellington in a jazz musical short with a tragic plotline.

, 19m

One of the last great German Expressionist films of the silent era, Joe May’s Asphalt is a love story set in the traffic-strewn Berlin of the late 1920s. Starring the delectable Betty Amann in her most famous leading role, Asphalt is a luxuriously produced UFA classic where tragic liaisons and fatal encounters are shaped alongside the constant roar of traffic.

, , 90m

Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna
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Nina Petrovna, the mistress of a wealthy Cossack, falls in love with a young cadet. Their happiness is short-lived.

, , 102m

The Way of Lost Souls

A lighthouse keeper's wife shelters her fugitive lover.

, , 94m

Hjärtats triumf

In a small mine town north of the circle, Torsten lives, working with his sister Eva and comrade Lars, who is engaged to Eva. The town's bat-owner has a daughter, Märta, who, after trying out the big city life, has returned to the village for a while, and begins to flirt openly with Torsten, but also with Lars. Märta hears of an old gold treasure that will be hidden somewhere in the mountains, trying to seduce both of them and seek both friends to find out the treasure. Neither Lars nor Torsten knows the plans or swarms of others, but Eva notices how Märta attracts Lars away from her.

, , 109m

Fräulein Else

A young woman reluctantly decides to compromise her values in order to save her family from bankruptcy and disgrace.

, , , 90m

After killing a man in self-defense, a young woman is blackmailed by a witness to the killing.

, , 85m


, 18m
Chemi bebia
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The protagonist, a lazy pen-pusher, gets the sack for his bureaucratic idleness, and learns that the way back into the job market depends on getting a letter of recommendation from a "grandmother"

, , , 72m

Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Glück

Mutter Krause and her children live in the poorer section of Berlin's Wedding district. The film depicts the cruelty of poverty and communism as a rescuing force that reaches Mutter Krause and the child too late.

, , , 121m

A Dança dos Paroxismos

A surreal short film in which a young man embarks on a journey through villages and the countryside.

, , 35m

A burlesque star seeks to keep her convent-raised daughter away from her low-down life and abusive lover/stage manager.

, , , 80m

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Rain falls on a Dutch city.

, , , 14m

Peau de pêche

An orphan from Montmartre is sent to the countryside by his foster parents. Ten years later he returns in search of a girl he once knew.

, , 89m

Oblomok imperii

A story of a man who loses his memory during the First World War, regains it 10 years after the Russian Revolution and returns home to a new and alien St. Petersburg.

, , 96m

Étude cinégraphique sur une arabesque

Visual structure composed of variations on the arabesque: arcs of light, water spouts, spider webs, burgeoning trees, flowers and foliage, a woman's smile, arms stretching, an arm giving rhythm to a rocking chair.

, 8m

While changing clothes in a getaway car, escaped convicts Stan and Ollie mistakenly put on each other's pants. They spend the rest of the film trying to exchange pants in various unlikely settings.

, , 20m

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A spirited Norwegian Lass is torn between two suitors and two cultures.

, , , 165m

Jenseits der Straße - Eine Tragödie des Alltags

The quest for a sparkling pearl necklace stolen by a beggar under the gaze of a prostitute, who persuades her unemployed friend to steal it back, with tragic consequences.

, , 53m

In the Swiss Alps of the early 19th century, a couple forced into loveless marriages struggle to find happiness with one another.

, , , 71m

Staroye i novoye

100.000.000 peasants - illiterate, poor, hungry. There comes a day when one woman decides that she can live old life no longer. Using ways of new Soviet state and industrial progress she changes life and labor of her village.

, , , 121m


In Spring is a masterpiece of the Ukrainian film avant-garde, a non-fiction film created by Mykhail Kaufman. In it, the now almost unknown Kyiv of 1929 appears. Shots of the awakening of the city, renewal of its life, echo with lyrical pictures of the revival of nature. Kaufman's attentive camera stops for a long time on the smiling faces of the children, painting a lyrical picture of a confession of love for Kyiv.

, , 61m

A fisherman and a rising young lawyer, who grew up as brothers, fall in love with the same girl.

, , , 110m

La perle
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A silent, surreal short involving a man buying a pearl necklace. He meets a woman who also desires the necklace.

, , 33m

Frau im Mond
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A tenacious scientist blasts off for the moon in hopes of riches that may be found there.

, , 156m

Zhivoy trup

The central character of the play, Fedor Protasov, is tormented by the belief that his wife Liza has never really chosen between him and the more conventional Victor Karenin, a rival for her hand. He wants to kill himself, but doesn't have the nerve. Running away from his life, he first falls in with Gypsies, and into a sexual relationship with a Gypsy singer, Masha.

, , , 82m

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On an island off the coast of Brittany four isolated men collect seaweed. Two young best friends have a quarrel and when one's thumb becomes infected his friend must risk his life on the ocean to bring him to the doctor.

, , 80m

An unimpressive but well intending man is given the chance to marry a popular actress, of whom he has been a hopeless fan. But what he doesn't realize is that he is being used to make the actress' old flame jealous.

, , 76m

Un chien andalou

Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí present 16 minutes of bizarre, surreal imagery.

, , 16m


A young woman is seduced and abandoned by a man who was invited to stay at his home by her father in a stormy night. Noticing that she is pregnant, the girl decides to leave home and start a new life.

, , 85m

Brumes d'automne
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A woman--a pained expression on her face--burns letters in a stove.

, , 13m

Die Büchse der Pandora
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Lulu is a young woman so beautiful and alluring that few can resist her siren charms. The men drawn into her web include respectable newspaper publisher Dr. Ludwig Schön, his musical producer son Alwa, circus performer Rodrigo Quast, and seedy old Schigolch. When Lulu's charms inevitably lead to tragedy, the downward spiral encompasses them all.

, , , , 109m

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A soldier returns to Kiyv after surviving a train crash and encounters clashes between nationalists and collectivists.

, , , 90m

Gardiens de phare

Two lighthouse keepers (the father and the son) are to spend one entire month in the middle of the sea near the coasts of Brittany;the young man is ill.

, , 82m

Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü

A man climbs a 12,000-foot mountain to search for his wife, who was lost on their honeymoon. Another couple makes the dangerous climb with him.

, , , 150m

Novyy Vavilon

In the short-lived Commune of Paris, a conscripted soldier falls in love with a Communard saleswoman. As the army cracks down on the revolutionaries, the soldier is forced to fight against the Commune, and the pair's love is put to the test.

, , 120m

A Cottage on Dartmoor
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A former barber escapes from a high security prison. Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison.

, , , , 88m

The queen of mythical Sylvania marries a courtier, who finds his new life unsatisfying.

, , 107m

Mary, a poor farm girl, meets Tim just as word comes that war has been declared. Tim enlists in the army and goes to the battlefields of Europe, where he is wounded and loses the use of his legs. Home again, Tim is visited by Mary, and they are powerfully attracted to each other; but his physical handicap prevents him from declaring his love for her. Deeper complications set in when Martin, Tim's former sergeant and a bully, takes a shine to Mary.

, , , 90m

Chelovek s kino-apparatom

A man travels around a city with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling invention.

, , , 68m

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