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La chenille de la carotte
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The carrot caterpillar hides among and feeds on the leafy foliage in carrot fields. A man demonstrates how difficult it is to detect and remove them from the carrot plants. They propel themselves with their six feet and twelve suction cups. To ward off enemies, they display two horns which secrete a malodorous liquid. Before the chrysalis stage of their development, they attach themselves to a surface and two days later burst from their shell. After spending the winter as a chrysalis, they emerge as swallowtail butterflies. Once they have bathed their wings in dew and dried off, they are ready to fly. (Library of Congress)

, , , 9m

Le bellezze d'Italia, trittico di visioni pittoresche
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, , 15m

Le retapeur de cervelles
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A doctor has an unusual method of examining someone's brains.

, , , 7m

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Paul Panzer returns home from a night out with the boys at his bachelor's club. He wanders into the wrong apartment, where, of course, a young woman resides and panic ensues.

, , 10m


A documentary on honey bees.

, , 8m

Rosalie et Léontine vont au théâtre
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Rosalie and Léontine go to the theater and are swept away by big emotions.

, , 3m

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, 8m


A description of the surviving scenes: Two girls are dancing in the inn, one wearing a white dress, the other in black - a bandit arrives - the bandit has an argument with another guest about one of the girls - the fight continues on the rocks - the bandit throws his rival off the cliff - the girl in black mourns the dead man - a cowboy appears on a horse - the girl in black laments the crime to him - the cowboy catches up with the bandit, he disarms him and ties him to a tree - the old man who is to watch over the captive gets drunk and falls asleep - the girl in white, armed with a revolver, frees the bandit, her lover, and they both tie the watchman to the tree instead - the cowboy returns and again fights with the bandit - the girl in white is accidently shot during the ensuing duel - the cowboy leads the handcuffed bandit away.

, , 9m

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Loosely adapted from Dante's Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré the original silent film has been restored and has a new score by Tangerine Dream.

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, , , 68m

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Teddy (Pik Nik) is visiting his married lover. Her husband comes home and Teddy quickly disguises himself as a mannequin. When he sneezes, the man discovers him and chases after him. Teddy manages to lose him and he decides to write a letter to the husband, luring him to his house. He then hypnotizes the husband and shaves his head.

, , 6m

La vengeance des esprits
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Grotesque animated spirits punish a disbeliever who scorns his wife’s interest in the occult.

, , 5m

La légende des ondines
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Short fairy tale in which a young prince falls under the spell of a siren while taking a walk along the beach with his fiancé. Right before the marriage he has a vision of the siren. He decides to go back to the coast and disappears into the waves with the siren, leaving behind his bride.

, , 6m

Chov husí v Libuši u Prahy
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, , 5m

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A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.

, , 11m

Les aventures de baron de Munchhausen
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After an evening of excessive wining and dining Baron Munchausen must be helped to bed by his servants. Once asleep, he has bizarre and frightening dreams.

, , , 11m

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Tomboys drive a fire engine through a fairground and hose the firemen.

, , 3m

Pomník Františka Palackého před dokončením
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, , 2m

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A robot chauffeur takes a newly married couple on their honeymoon to the planet Saturn and then on a trip under the sea.

, , , 10m

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