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Two of the workmen, Tom and Jim, whose fists are as hard as steel but whose hearts are of sterling worth, are in love with the same lady. Tom believes that Jim is the successful one and though hard hit, takes the blow like a man; but the supreme test of friendship comes when Jim, who has a quarrel with a truck driver on the top of a huge sky structure, is knocked unconscious and is hung out over the sidewalk twenty-two stories below. The slightest move one way or the other and he is dashed to death, and when Tom is called upon to save Jim's life at the risk of his own, it is a fest that proves the mettle of the man. There they swing in mid-air, Tom and Jim, clinging together at this dizzy height. A thriller, a supremely dramatic moment in the motion picture art. The rescue and the winning of the girl by Tom gives a sweet touch of human nature to the close of this exciting picture.

, , 17m

Based on the story of the real-life 17th Century Irish rebel and the eighteen century ballad about him, this one-reeler is one of the Kalem pictures shot by Olcott and his company on their second trip to the Emerald Isle.

, , 12m
L'inutile sacrifice

The photoplay has for theme the fickleness of Pierre, the village "Beau Brummel" of a pretty little French town. He makes love to Blanche, who promises to be his bride. Her friend, Mariette, coquettes with Pierre, and wins his affections, falling in love herself, at the same time. The jealousy which develops between the two girls, and the weakness of Pierre in deserting his fiancée are depicted in a most enthralling manner.

, , 12m

Den hvide Slavehandels sidste Offer

Young white girls who were kidnapped and held captive and in imminent danger of being sexually molested. And the moor slaveholder will incorporate the poor girls in his harem.

, , 47m

A staged Wild West kidnapping goes awry when the cowboys accidentally capture an actress who uses her acting skills to turn the tables on them.

, , 10m

Mr. Joseph Close, ranch man, with his wife and daughter, visit the town for supplies. The daughter makes a hit with the storekeeper and it is with difficulty that the ranch man induces his daughter to leave. They return home, and the ranch man finds a letter in his mail box from Wm. Schrider, Attorney-at-Law, informing him that his brother is dead, and has left the sum of three million dollars to his daughter, on condition that she produce an official certificate of her marriage one month from the date of her uncle's death.

, , , 10m
La vengeance des esprits
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Grotesque animated spirits punish a disbeliever who scorns his wife’s interest in the occult.

, , 5m

Cent dollars mort ou vif

An early Gaumont short.

, , 13m

La tare

LA TARE is about Anna, a woman who is rescued from a Parisian dance hall to work in a charitable hospital. Over the years, she rises to become the head of the institution, but when an old habitué of the dance hall recognizes her picture, he attempts to blackmail her.

, , 41m

The documentary was entirely filmed in the province of Burgos, containing monuments and architecture considered emblematic of Spanish heritage. Color was added to the film at a later date, by hand. Burgos is a fine example of the timeless beauty of hand-stenciled film, as well as sound actuality filmmaking by two cinematic pioneers.

, , 4m

It's Christmas, and a young woman is on her way to celebrate the holidays with her parents. A group of drunk cowboys startle her horses making her wagon, with the woman on it, speed off. By chance Broncho Billy saves her life and the grateful girl invites him over for Christmas dinner. Little does he know that the young lady is the Sheriff's daughter…

, , 12m

La caduta di Troia

Menelaus is the king of Sparta and temporarily departs from his residence, leaving Helen, the queen of Sparta, without him. When Paris of Troy, ambassador and son of the king, arrives in Sparta, he kidnaps Helen and brings her to Troy where the two fall in love. The Greeks attempt to siege the city walls of Troy, but fail. The Greeks then place a huge wooden Trojan horse with Greek warriors hidden inside under the walls of Troy, pretending to be dedicated to the gods and ending the war. Falling for the trap, the Trojans break down the city walls to bring the wooden horse inside.

, , , 31m

Stop-motion animation of putty modeling itself into faces.

, , 4m


Carpenter Geppetto carves a block of wood into a puppet and names him Pinocchio. As soon as his feet have been made, Pinocchio runs out the door and a series of adventures begins.

, , , 50m

Little Nemo

Cartoon figures announce, via comic strip balloons, that they will move - and move they do, in a wildly exaggerated style.

, , , 7m

Max victime du quinquina

Max needs a tonic after an illness, and the doctor prescribes a Bordeaux glass of wine three times a day. One proves to be enough, as Max drinks a quart glass of wine and proceeds to get into trouble.

, , 16m

Max dans sa famille

To reassure his fans, Max Linder has been filming with his family at his place of convalescence...

, , 10m

Le torchon brûle ou Une querelle de ménage

A couple’s fight over dinner leads to spiralling domestic abuse that spreads all over town. (MoMA)

, , 5m

, , , 11m

Badlif vid Mölle

A huge crowd of people in bathing suits display themselves in front of the camera. They wave the photographer, hug and bathes. Most part of the movie is just the shores and the cliff side of Kullen beach.

, , 6m

Den farlige Alder

, , 34m

Mormonens offer
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A Mormon missionary seduces and kidnaps an attractive young woman, forcing her to accompany him to Utah to become one of his wives.

, , 51m

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This documentary travelogue of New York City was made by a team of cameramen with the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern, who were sent around the world to make pictures of well-known places.

, , 8m

A young woman takes over her sick father's role as telegraph operator at a railway station, and has to deal with a team intent on train robbery.

, , 17m

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, 8m

Il sogno di un tramonto d'autunno

Italian short drama directed by Luigi Maggi.

, , , 16m

Robinet aviatore
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Robinet, the lead in this Italian slapstick comedy, wants to be an aviator in the worst way, and this being an Italian slapstick, that's how he does it. Italian slapstick in this period was absolutely bone-breaking, so much so that it makes Keystone slapstick look like drawing-room comedy by contrast.

, , 6m

Max et Jane veulent faire du théâtre

Max is a stage struck youth, and because of a deep-seated desire to go on the stage, refuses to consent to a marriage his father has planned for him. The girl, whom Max has never met, is also stage struck, and entertains no wish of marrying him, though her mother is anxious to see her make the alliance. The parents finally manage to bring the young people together, and they, in turn, exert all their skill in an attempt to disgust each other. An accidental meeting between the two when they are off guard causes them to change their minds.

, , 13m

Nozze d'oro

A grandfather recalls how he and his wife met and fell in love during the Second Italian War of Independence.

, , 22m


Edgar the rich man’s son meets Ebba the waitress, and sparks fly. Ebba quickly becomes pregnant, but when the young lovers want to marry, Edgar’s father will stop at nothing to quash the mismatch. (

, , 45m

Rosalie et son phonographe

A jolly housekeeper brings new meaning to the notion of “home entertainment” with a handsome new portable phonograph that causes people, furniture, and buildings to rock and roll through the magic of stop-motion animation. (MoMA)

, , 4m

Den sorte drøm

Stella, a circus princess, has two suitors: young, handsome Count Waldberg and the greying, hidebound jeweller Hirsch. Stella’s love for Waldberg drives Hirsch mad with jealousy. He will stop at nothing to be near the woman of his dreams. When the count loses a staggering sum to the jeweller in a gambling duel, Stella embarks on a fateful mission to save her beloved’s honour.

, , 53m


An actress returns from the theatre and discovers her apartment has been burglarized; she lights a cigarette and the room catches fire; the burglar saves her life, and she, in return, saves his, and he returns her jewels.

, , , 11m

Les aventures de baron de Munchhausen
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After an evening of excessive wining and dining Baron Munchausen must be helped to bed by his servants. Once asleep, he has bizarre and frightening dreams.

, , , 11m

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Tomboys drive a fire engine through a fairground and hose the firemen.

, , 3m

De fire djævle

As children, Fritz and Adolphe are sold to a traveling showman, who trains them to become circus artists. Together with the two girls Louise and Aimée, they perform to audiences night after night while being subjected to a harsh training regimen and daily beatings. As the four friends grow up to become young adults, their master dies, and they begin to perform to an enthusiastic audience as The Four Devils. Countess Taube, who regularly watches their performances, falls in love with Fritz. Despite the budding love between him and Aimée, Fritz embarks on a relationship with the Countess, causing Aimée to devise a fatal revenge plan. (

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, , 35m

Albertina is a celebrated dancer whose fame is widespread. However, she has overtaxed her strength, is forbidden to appear in public and is obliged to seek quiet and rest. She retires to her Aunt Mary's home, a beautiful and restful country place, where she secures the much-needed seclusion and comfort. Next door to Aunt Mary there lives a very handsome fellow who has often admired Aunt Mary's niece and to tell the truth she admires him. Growing restless under the enforced retirement, Albertina strolls down to the lake where the water-lilies grow. She pulls a number of them into a garland which she holds bewitchingly above her head. They give her an inspiration and involuntarily she pirouettes, bends and swerves her lithe and willowy form like a nymph of ethereal sweetness. The young man who lives next door is rowing upon the lake; He see Albertina dancing on the velvety field of grass, is charmed by her, and rushes toward her.

, , 15m

Enoch Arden, a humble fisherman, marries Annie Lee. He signs on as a sailor to make more money to support their growing family. A storm wrecks his ship, but Enoch swims to a deserted island. Annie waits vainly for his return.

, , 34m

La chenille de la carotte
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The carrot caterpillar hides among and feeds on the leafy foliage in carrot fields. A man demonstrates how difficult it is to detect and remove them from the carrot plants. They propel themselves with their six feet and twelve suction cups. To ward off enemies, they display two horns which secrete a malodorous liquid. Before the chrysalis stage of their development, they attach themselves to a surface and two days later burst from their shell. After spending the winter as a chrysalis, they emerge as swallowtail butterflies. Once they have bathed their wings in dew and dried off, they are ready to fly. (Library of Congress)

, , , 9m

Pomník Františka Palackého před dokončením
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, , 2m

Chov husí v Libuši u Prahy
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, , 5m

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Paul Panzer returns home from a night out with the boys at his bachelor's club. He wanders into the wrong apartment, where, of course, a young woman resides and panic ensues.

, , 10m

Le retapeur de cervelles
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A doctor has an unusual method of examining someone's brains.

, , , 7m

La légende des ondines
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Short fairy tale in which a young prince falls under the spell of a siren while taking a walk along the beach with his fiancé. Right before the marriage he has a vision of the siren. He decides to go back to the coast and disappears into the waves with the siren, leaving behind his bride.

, , 6m

Rosalie et Léontine vont au théâtre
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Rosalie and Léontine go to the theater and are swept away by big emotions.

, , 3m

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A robot chauffeur takes a newly married couple on their honeymoon to the planet Saturn and then on a trip under the sea.

, , , 10m

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Loosely adapted from Dante's Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré the original silent film has been restored and has a new score by Tangerine Dream.

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, , , 68m

Le bellezze d'Italia, trittico di visioni pittoresche
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, , 15m

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