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Farrebique ou Les quatre saisons

One year in the life of a French peasant family, whose existence is closely tied with the changing of the seasons.

, 90m

Reykjavík vorra daga, fyrri hluti
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, , 110m
Reykjavík of Our Days, First Part

, , 110m
Reykjavík of Our Days, First Part

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A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.

, , , 105m

Sylvie et le fantôme
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A teenager becomes fixated on a painting of the handsome suitor who died in a duel for her grandmother's love. On her sixteenth birthday, her father hires three men who pretend to be the ghost of the suitor to entertain her. Little do they know, the ghost of the suitor himself is roaming the castle halls.

, , , 90m

Die Mörder sind unter uns
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After returning from a concentration camp, Susanne finds an ex-soldier living in her apartment. Together the two try to move past their experiences during WWII.

, , 85m

, 7m

Nevíme dne...
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, 14m

, 18m
Walkabout: A Journey with the Aboriginals

, , 24m

Le Monde de Paul Delvaux
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An art documentary which captures images of portraits made by the painter Paul Delvaux.

, 11m


Olive is building a house when the boys happen by. They show off a bit to convince her to let them build her house for her. She decides to split the job in half by splitting the blueprints in half and having each build one side of the house. Of course, "cooperation" isn't in their vocabulary. Bluto does an extremely sloppy job on his half, and also takes every opportunity to either sabotage Popeye or trick him into doing more work. Meanwhile, Popeye's making enough of his own mistakes, many of which seem to involve wedging Olive into small bent pipes. Eventually, Popeye has his spinach and finishes the house, but the house collapses as they are celebrating with a kiss.

, 7m
Popeye the Sailor (Famous Studios)
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A soundless mix of story fragments and images. Initially, images of death, a man with a guitar, a soirée. Some images are surreal: an older woman eats a leaf; a headless man pours a cocktail into his body.

, , 24m

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A man seeks to find himself by exploring his sexuality.

, , 16m

Suita warszawska
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A film suite divided into three parts showing successively the defeat of Warsaw, the gradual awakening of the capital and the first post-war Warsaw spring. The film has no commentary, only music, whose mood and rhythm are closely related to the character of the presented images.

, 18m

Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Jimmy Durante, then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.

, 6m
Merrie Melodies
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An experimental film from artist Harry Smith and part of his Number series of various animated scenes.

, , 3m

An experiment with editing techniques that distort space and time in order to further contextualize an image.

, , 15m

Two cats have a litter of 5 kittens and then nurse, teach and play with them.

, , , 22m

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Depicts the suggestive empathy the Old Norse blood sacrifice.

, 12m

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An unsuccessful sculptor saves a madman named "The Creeper" from drowning. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, he tricks the psycho into murdering his critics.

, , 65m

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The magpies move into a nest in a tree right outside an old man's bedroom window. Chaos ensues as the magpies and the old man each try to best each other, the old man trying to get the magpies to be quiet, and the two of them being anything BUT quiet.

, , 6m

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