
Welcome to the coolest movie database on the internet.
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, , 11m

Toutes les Femmes sont des Jeanne d'Arc
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, 24m

Venise n'existe pas
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, 11m

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In NavelFable Mara Mattuschka subjects herself to a second birth through endless pairs of tights. Her body struggles so hard and in such a deformed manner from out of the layers of nylon that the sheer struggle for survival becomes visible.

, 4m

Die Familie oder Schroffenstein
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The aristocratic families of Rossitz and Warwand, who are relatives, have started to treat each other with mistrust and hatred, since a testamentary contract has stated, that the complete goods will be inherited to the respective surviving line. At the same time the young generation is in love, how can the tender ties between Agnes of Warwand and Ottokar of Rossitz be protected? Killed by their own fathers, they lie in their blood. A radical drama about the term "family". (

, , , 132m
Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist

, , , 144m

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, 6m

The documentary set out to investigate, not the well-chronicled social problems of 1960s council housing, but the origins of how they came to be built so poorly that thousands later needed to be demolished.

, 49m
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, , 36m
Akupresura: Blednoucí výjevy ze života
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, 19m
Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse
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Our organization will create a human being whom we can shape and manipulate according to our needs. Dorian Gray: young, rich and handsome. We will make him, seduce him and break him.

, 150m

Heimat: Eine deutsche Chronik
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The village of Schabbach experiences the shifting fortunes of Germany from 1919 to 1982.

, , 930m

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Filbert , manipulated by his mentor Harlan, is a mass murderer who submits himself to police interrogation and Inquisition.

, , , 102m

Les dites cariatides
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A documentary of the caryatids in Paris accompanied by the poetry of Baudelaire and the music of Offenbach.

, 12m

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Ivan Ladislav hides a true chamber of wonders behind the clear, mathematically abstract structure of his films and videos, meticulously compiled rhythmically frame for frame, each work likewise presenting an analysis of the film medium. Concealed therein, culled from deep in the medium’s prehistory, are hermetic parallel universes in whose number ranges and symbolic spaces, Galeta’s precisely constructed film compositions find a formalist anchor.

, 11m

Das Haus
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Thomas Heise's documentary portrays the meeting of officials and citizens in the district office of Berlin-Mitte in 1984. The movie uniquely displays how socialist officals and citizens interact.

, 56m

Les nuits de la pleine lune
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Louise, a young woman, who recently finished her studies in arts, is working as a interior decorator trainee. Playing the game of seduction, her life becomes more and more complicated.

, , 100m
The Aviator's Wife

, , , 104m

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"A post punk piece of pagan sensibility, complete with beastiality buggery and boundless energy. Maniacal filmmaking at its best. He takes his horse with him everywhere." Andrew Kötting

, , 12m

Ein Mann wie EVA
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A bearded director named EVA, a fictive Rainer Werner Fassbinder, lives in a large house with his cast and crew as he films Dumas' Lady of the Camellias. His accountant informs him he has many unpaid bills and little cash on hand. EVA throws a fit and fires him. He then proceeds to play one person off against another, dismiss with cruelty his recent lover Ali, sleep openly with his leading lady Gudrun, and make a direct and public play for his leading man, Walter. He's mercurial, dictatorial, and manic. Will he finish the film, having drawn great performances from his actors through his manipulations, or will his antics set events in motion that spin out of his control?

, 92m


Two filmmakers spy upon each-other in various locations, each trying to capture the other on film.

, 15m

Stadt In Flammen
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, 5m

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