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Shurka vyibiraet more

At the beginning of the film, the main character, Shurka, is full of childish illusions and false romantic notions about the sea and the life of sailors, about long voyages and big ships. With these illusions he begins his voyage. But book romance gives way to a realised love of the sea, understanding of the people he encountered on a small fishing seiner. At first he is disappointed and dissatisfied with everything. But gradually he realises his love for the sea and becomes a full member of the fishermen's collective.

, 70m

Irgendwann werden wir uns alles erzählen
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Set in a warm summer in 1990 in former East Germany, it follows a young woman who begins a relationship with a charismatic farmer who is twice her age.

, , 129m
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André and Vera are a young entrepreneurial couple. They get the opportunity to pitch their female health app at a prestigious competition. Before going there, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking. From this point, her attitude changes and André starts to behave unexpectedly.

, , 98m
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The story of Liam, a neglected teenager who lives in a family where alcohol, violence and sex play the main role. He grows up to be a confused youngster which ends in a very aggressive act to break with his past.

, 105m
Alexeï Guerman, cinéaste bien interdit

, 15m
La abadesa
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In the 9th century, Emma, a 17-year-old girl, is named Abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in conflict with the Moors. Upon arriving at the Abbey she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...

, 122m

, 57m

Short film about the upgrades and technological improvements on the British railways.

, 18m
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Sixteen-year-old Lola is studying for her resits when the possibility of a semester in Germany comes up. Lola wants to go, but her family, bogged down by her elder sister's psychiatric problems, don't want her to make the trip. The lack of stability and exhaustion in the ties with her family prompt Lola to go ahead with her idea and set out to find new experiences that make her see both herself and the circumstances that surround her with different eyes.

, 87m
Zimnyaya skazka

When winter came, the bear cub wanted to eat everything around him so that all the beauty of the winter landscape would always be with him - in his belly. However, after eating snowflakes, he falls ill and raves all winter that he is a snowflake. His faithful friend, the hedgehog, comes to the rescue.

, , 10m
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