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Passage de Venus
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Series of photographs of the transit of the planet Venus across the Sun in 1874.

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The clip shows a jockey, Domm, riding a horse, Sally Gardner. The clip is not filmed but instead consists of 24 individual photographs shot in rapid succession, making a moving picture when using a zoopraxiscope.

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A frame sequence featuring a man walking around a corner.

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In the garden, a man asks his friends to do something silly for him to record on film.

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A very brief film of a man playing the accordion.

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One of W.K.L. Dickson's laboratory workers horses around for the camera.

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In an experiment that follows up on the results of 'Monkeyshines, No. 1', an Edison company worker again moves around in front of the motion picture camera.

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A shot of Trafalgar Square.

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William K.L. Dickson brings his hat from his one hand to the other and moves his head slightly, as a small nod toward the audience. This was the first film produced by the Edison Manufacturing Company to be shown to public audiences and the press.

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Two men wearing boxing gloves prepare to spar in the Edison Company studio.

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An athlete swings Indian clubs.

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Performing on what looks like a small wooden stage, wearing a dress with a hoop skirt and white high-heeled pumps, Carmencita does a dance with kicks and twirls, a smile always on her face.

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A man (Thomas Edison's assistant) takes a pinch of snuff and sneezes. This is one of the earliest Thomas Edison films and was the first motion picture to be copyrighted in the United States.

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A charming representation of the Mikado dance by three beautiful Japanese ladies in full costume. Very effective when colored.

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Sandow, No. 1

Eugen Sandow, who claims to be the strongest man in the world, appears in the Edison Company's film studio.

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"Firemen in working uniform, rubber coats, helmets, and boots. Thrilling rescue from burning building. Smoke effects are fine." - from the Edison Catalog

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Annabelle (Whitford) Moore performs one of her popular dances. For this performance, her costume has a pair of wings attached to her back, to suggest a butterfly. As she dances, she uses her long, flowing skirts to create visual patterns.

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A scene from Charles Hoyt's 'A Milk White Flag': A brass band marches out, led by bandmaster Steele Ayers. When Ayers reaches his position, he turns around and directs the musicians as they take up their own positions.

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Customer gets a lightning-fast shave.

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Two gamecocks fight in the Edison Company film studio. This feature was remade later in the same year, with additional detail added.

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Two gamecocks are fighting inside a wire cage, while two spectators look on in the background. The two men agree to make a bet on the outcome. One of them shows his money to the other, who is commenting on the fight.

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A scene representing Southern plantation life before the war. A jig and a breakdown by three colored boys.

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Lee Martin, one of the cowboy stars in 'Buffalo Bill's Wild West', rides a bronco as a crowd looks on. While the horse is trying to throw Martin off its back, another cowboy stands on top of a fence rail and occasionally fires his six-shooter, to spur on both horse and rider.

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Hadji Cheriff, a performer known for a variety of unusual abilities, demonstrates part of his act in the Edison studio.

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From Edison films catalog: One of the most peculiar customs of the Sioux Tribe is here shown, the dancers being genuine Sioux Indians, in full war paint and war costumes. 40 feet. 7.50. According to Edison film historian C. Musser, this film and others shot on the same day (see also Buffalo dance) featured Native American Indian dancers from Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, and represent the American Indian's first appearance before a motion picture camera.

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La sortie des usines Lumière

Workers leaving the Lumière factory for lunch in Lyon, France in 1895; a place of great photographic innovation and one of the birth places of cinema.

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Neuville-sur-Saône: Débarquement du congrès des photographes à Lyon
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The photographers who need to participate in the congress of Lyon get off a boat in Neuville-sur-Saône, dividing to the right and left.

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L'arroseur arrosé

An impudent child plays a prank on a gardener innocently watering his plants.

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Barque sortant du port

In very bad weather and a stormy sea, a small boat manned by two men is trying to leave the harbor of La Ciotat, while several people are watching them from the nearby pier.

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Italienischer Bauerntanz

Two children, Ploetz and Larella, perform an Italian peasant dance.

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Das boxende Känguruh
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A man and a kangaroo stand up in front of each other with boxing gloves, and simulate a boxing match on a theatre stage.

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Les forgerons

Two blacksmiths work while the vapors rise in the air. Later, another man arrives and offers a drink.

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Baignade en mer

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

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Place des Cordeliers à Lyon

Pedestrian and horse-drawn vehicles traffic, across the Place des Cordeliers, in Lyon.

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La pêche aux poissons rouges

A baby held by his father dips his little hands into a water jug and he can' t catch the goldfish .

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Repas de bébé
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As part of a maiden public film screening at the Salon Indien, on December 28, in Paris, Auguste Lumière pivots the centre of attention around his baby daughter, as he tries to feed her from a spoon.

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Le saut à la couverture

Four men stand holding what appears to be a blanket, while one wearing a hat stands watching. A sixth man then runs towards them and attempts to jump into the blanket.

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Die Serpentintänzerin

A young woman dancer with large, flowing robes, swirls round herself quickly, making her light robe flow around her like a butterfly's wings.

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La voltige

A man tries to get on a horse , but he climbs to one side and falls from the other, until he manages to stay in balance.

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The two inventors of the Bioskop, a sort of magic lantern that projected images so fast as to give the illusion of movement, bow to the camera at both sides of an empty screen. The scene was shown in continuity, at the end of the session, as if the producers and directors of the session were beading the public a farewell.

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Annabelle (Whitford) Moore performs one of her popular dance routines. She uses her dance steps and her long, flowing skirts to create a variety of visual patterns.

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A policeman catches a pickpocket, who slips from his jacket but is caught by a sailor.

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Bookmaker struggles with police and is arrested.

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La charcuterie mécanique

A butcher puts a full-grown live pig into his large box-like machine. Moments later, he draws out a full range of pork products, many already packaged for sale.

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Bocal aux poissons-rouges

[…] by shooting the fish in a globular bowl, the Lumières effectively use a fisheye lens, which offers distortions. The history of cinema has witnessed a struggle between the objective and subjective camera and the optically distorting lenses like the fisheye lens has been a powerful tool for the subjective camera. Here it is at the start. (from IMDB)

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Chapeaux à transformations

The transformation of the same character in six different characters. A vision of the act of transformation.

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The pursuit of Hop Lee by an irate policeman.

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Princess Ali, of Barnum and Bailey's circus, performs an Egyptian dance in the Edison Company's studio. As she dances, some musicians perform in the background to provide accompaniment.

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Two men in white leotards and tights, and black slips over it, wrestle on a theatre stage.

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Der Jongleur

A man performs tricks on a theatre stage with a bowler hat and a billiards ball in equilibrium on his arms and body.

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Three dancers do a Russian folkloric step dance, facing the camera, in traditional clothes, fur hats and leather boots.

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Komisches Reck

Part of the Wintergartenprogramm.

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Different species of fish and frogs, inside an aquarium.

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Partie d'écarté

Two men play cards, as a third watches and a waiter brings drinks. The third man pours drinks as the waiter laughs.

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The surf pounds against a breakwater on which are visible several people standing. The wall looks to be about 20 feet above sea level and extend at least 100 feet into the water. A large wave rolls picturesquely along the wall toward the shore. Smaller waves follow. Then the scene changes to river water flowing. We see both shores: in the foreground a log and tree branch are visible; on the far shore, there appears to be a low wall with trees beyond it. The camera is stationary in both shots.

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Arrivée d'un train gare de Vincennes
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This lost film presumably features a train arriving at Vincennes station.

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A series of short black and white films from director William K.L. Dickson which chronicle the adventures of Rip Van Winkle.

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The Boxing Kangaroo is an 1896 British short black-and-white silent documentary film, produced and directed by Birt Acres for exhibition on Robert W. Paul’s peep show Kinetoscopes, featuring a young boy boxing with a kangaroo. The film was considered lost until footage from an 1896 Fairground Programme, originally shown in a portable booth at Hull Fair by Midlands photographer George Williams, donated to the National Fairground Archive was identified as being from this film.

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Défense d'afficher

Two bill posters argue as an incompetent guard patrols the area.

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Démolition d'un mur

Auguste Lumière directs four workers in the demolition of an old wall at the Lumière factory. One worker is pressing the wall inwards with a jackscrew, while another is pushing it with a pick. When the wall hits the ground, a cloud of white dust whirls up. Three workers continue the demolition of the wall with picks.

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Escamotage d'une dame au théâtre Robert Houdin

As an elegant maestro of mirage and delusion drapes his beautiful female assistant with a gauzy textile, much to our amazement, the lady vanishes into thin air.

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A series of short black and white films from director William K.L. Dickson which chronicle the adventures of Rip Van Winkle.

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Le manoir du diable
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With the help of a magic cauldron, Mephistopheles conjures up a variety of supernatural characters.

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Arrivée d’un train à Melbourne
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A series of short black and white films from director William K.L. Dickson which chronicle the adventures of Rip Van Winkle.

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A series of short black and white films from director William K.L. Dickson which chronicle the adventures of Rip Van Winkle.

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Une nuit terrible
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A man tries to get a good night's sleep, but is disturbed by a giant spider that leaps onto his bed, and a battle ensues in hilarious comic fashion.

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Une partie de cartes

Three friends are playing cards in a beer garden. One of them orders drinks. The waitress comes back with a bottle of wine and three glasses on a tray. The man serves his friends. They clink glasses and drink. Then the man asks for a newspaper. He reads a funny story in it and the three friends burst out laughing while the waitress merely smiles.

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"A family revelling in a feast of the favorite food of their race."

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The water beats relentlessly against the Hell's Mouth (Boca do Inferno), one of the main natural attractions of Lisbon's west coast, filmed from above almost in a vertical plunge onto the deep, rocky ground.

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In a medium close-up shot of the first kiss ever recorded on screen, two fervent lovers cuddle and talk passionately at hair's breadth, just before the love-smitten gentleman decides to give his chosen one an innocent peck.

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A burning wagon is dragged from the barn by the firemen, and four horses are rescued from the flames by the stablemen. Thick volumes of smoke pour from the doors and windows. (Edison catalog)

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A woman and a young girl each carry containers of bird feed, and they toss occasional handfuls to the chickens and doves in the farmyard. Most of the chickens stay nearby, but the doves occasionally fly off and then return to eat more.

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A fellow in a wide-brimmed hat, with a willowy stick for a rod and a baited hook, sits down on a plank hanging over a bridge above a stream. He sticks the rod under his seat and picks up his bottle to take a swig. Behind him creeps a joker who removes the large flagstone that's holding the fisherman's plank in place (IMDb)

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Querelle enfantine

Two babies are shown seated next to each other, in high chairs, apparently enjoying themselves. Suddenly one snatches a toy from the other and they indulge in hair-pulling.

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This picture was taken at one of the curves on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, along the beautiful Susquehanna River. The train is seen rapidly approaching in the distance, clearly outlined against the grey mountains. Smoke can be seen pouring in volumes from the stack of the locomotive, and as the train approaches closely, she sounds a whistle, warning some section men, who are working on the tracks in the foreground. As she rushes by the camera, the swing motion of the train gives a vivid idea of the lightning speed at which she is traveling. (Edison film catalog)

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Formed by the junction of Broadway, Sixth Avenue and 35th Street. The picturesque low roofed Herald building is plainly shown; also the passing crowds and group of idlers.

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A short black and white film which documents the performance of a juggler.

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A short black and white film which documents the workday of shipbuilders.

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This short documentary captures various men and children enjoying water activities.

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A short black and white film which documents an outdoor bowling game.

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Course en sacs

Several competitors take part in a friendly sack race, with widely varying degrees of success.

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A black and white short film of children having a water fight.

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Enfants aux jouets

A short black and white film in which children are seen playing a game of marbles.

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A ship is launched into the water.

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A short black and white film which documents a mother taking her children out for a walk.

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A baby and its parents eat outdoors.

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Retour d'une promenade en mer

A black and white short which documents a boat returning to the dock and the unloading of passengers.

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Le cauchemar
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In this fantastic scene, a man who is eager to retire has a difficult time finding peace, as his nocturnal illusions come to life out of thin air.

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La fée aux choux
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A brief fantasy tale involving a strange fairy who can produce and deliver babies coming out of cabbages. This film is lost or never existed. Copies of it online are actually the 1900 remake.

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Artist draws Thomas Edison.

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The dancer Fatima, well-known for her dancing shows at the World's Exhibition in 1893, performs for the camera. She opens her act by twirling around a few times, and then she does the 'muscle dance' for which she had attracted considerable notoriety.

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Vaudeville dancer Amy Muller performs a portion of her stage routine, which features dancing on her toes. She dances on one toe for part of the performance. Later, she also twirls and does cartwheels.

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The camera shows a water ride at Bergen Beach at Coney Island. A raised track filled with water forms a chute, and a small boat full of park visitors slides down the chute. Alongside, empty boats are hauled back to the top of the ride.

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A crowd watches the Newark Fire Department respond to a call.

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Members of the New York state militia enjoy some relaxing time during a meal break.

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The Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Fire Department responds to an alarm on a December morning.

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