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Art of Germany
, , , 177m
El clon de Hitler

“Cuando el Hitler aparece, todos corren. Cuando el Hitler habla, todos se quedan callados. Unos dicen que es brujo, otros dicen que es un hijo del diablo y otros de plano no dicen nada. Lo que sí es cierto es que es el más pesado de los que han pasado por ahí. Y las hijas…esas son las peores. Y son capaces de todo por conseguir lo que ellas quieren, ya ni se diga por defender a su padre.”

, , 90m
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In the summer of 1931, with Germany on the brink of economic collapse, and the city of Berlin turning into a paramilitary war-zone, audacious young prosecutor Hans Litten (Stoppard) chose to summon a star witness to a trial of Nazi thugs. In spite of the risk to his own safety and against the advice of those who love him, Litten forced rising political star Adolf Hitler (Hart) to make a sensational appearance in the witness stand of Berlin's central criminal court. Litten aimed to expose the true character of Hitler and his politics to the German public, to reveal his hypocrisy and his violent ambitions, and in doing so, halt the electoral success of the Nazi Party. In a humiliating and hostile cross-examination, Hitler was forced to account for his political beliefs, his contempt for the law and his desire to destroy German democracy. For a brief moment, Hitler's political future was genuinely in the balance.

, 85m

A documentary about the capacity of organized destruction of the Nazi war machine

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, , 84m

The rise and fall of Nazi Germany in part through the use of classical allegory.

, 89m

A featureless land fit only for war, as the narrator, J. L. Hodson stated in the early scenes: "If war was to be fought then let it begin here". In endless miles of rock-strewn scrub desert, where civilians hardly existed. Desert Victory tells the story of the Allied campaign to drive Germany and Italy from North Africa is analysed, with the major portion of the film examining the battles at El Alamein, including some re-enactment. Won "Best Documentary Feature" at the 16th Academy Awards in 1944.

, , 62m

, 8m

An inquiry into decades of cultural fascination with the Nazi leader, and the ramifications of such a fascination on present day politics.

, 92m
Novye pokhozhdeniya Shveyka
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The brave soldier Schweik helps the Yugoslav partisans and tries to choose the execution for Hitler.

, , 66m

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The life story of Heda Margolius-Kovaly, the woman who managed to outlive 2 of the biggest totalitarian dictators of Europe.

, 58m

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In Berlin, 1938, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun have a love-hate relationship with their Jewish neighbours in this bizarre spoof of 'fifties American sitcoms.

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The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union.

, , 157m
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A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.

, , 108m

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Nazi madmen preserve Hitler's brain on a small tropical island until the time is right to resurrect him and, along with him, the Third Reich.

, , , 91m

, , 121m

"Hitler's Folly" explores what might have happened if Adolf Hitler's art career had been more successful and instead of becoming an evil dictator, he was inspired to become an animator like Walt Disney.

, 67m
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We all think of Santa as "Jolly old St.Nick". But who knew that he has a dark hidden past that's very un-jolly? This short film uncovers and explores Santa's flirtation with politics and greed.

, , 3m

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, , 317m
Ich will!
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Nazi propaganda footage from 1930's of Hitler Yourh Camps hypnotically repurposed and tinted by Kenneth Anger and scored to Anton Bruckner's Ninth Symphony.

, 35m

, 100m

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Adolf Hitler wakes up in the 21st century. He quickly gains media attention, but while Germany finds him hilarious and charming, Hitler makes some serious observations about society.

, , , 116m

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Hitler admired Mussolini, then he acted as his equal, and at last overpowered and used him.

, 104m

, 52m
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It was a strange affair, full of love, lust and despair... Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, his mistress from 1932 to their double suicide in Hitler's Berlin bunker, a fateful day of April 1945.

, 72m

A documentary about the portrayal of Adolf Hitler in popular culture.

, 48m
Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler

Hitler no longer believes in himself, and can barely see himself as an equal to even his sheep dog. But to seize the helm of the war he would have to create one of his famous fiery speeches to mobilize the masses. Goebbels therefore brings a Jewish acting teacher Grünbaum and his family from the camps in order to train the leader in rhetoric. Grünbaum is torn, but starts Hitler in his therapy ...

, 89m

, , 90m
Speer und er: Nachspiel - Die Täuschung
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Documentary continuing Breloer's exploration of Speer's life, focusing on the post-Spandau years.

, , 90m

A young girl becomes the great love of the Nazi leader's life. It spans the years between 1929 and 1945, and focuses on Hitler's obsessive relationship with his niece Geli Raubal, which eventually led to the girl's suicide, then goes on to tell the story of how Eva Braun became his wife.

, 92m
Tod im Führerbunker - Die Geschichte von Hitlers Untergang

The story of Adolf Hitler's final days in the bunker in 1945.

, 80m
Der Untergang
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Traudl Junge, the final secretary for Adolf Hitler, tells of the Nazi dictator's final days in his Berlin bunker at the end of WWII.

, , 156m

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A drama-documentary about Operation Foxley, a 1944 British plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

, , 90m
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A unique slant, profiling the life of Adolf Hitler as a child and his rise through the ranks of the National Socialist German Workers' Party prior to World War II.

, 130m

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Hitler escapes the war to London, where he lives as Mrs. Meitlemeihr, in this what-if black comedy from commercial director Graham Rose.

, , 30m

In 1942, in Bavaria, Eva Braun is alone, when Adolf Hitler arrives with Dr. Josef Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels and Martin Bormann to spend a couple of days without talking politics.

, 108m


At a mental institution, the resident physician, Dr Cohen, encourages his patients who believe they are important Nazi figures to act out their fantasies. The therapy sessions show Hitler consolidating his power by assembling his gang of supporters; however, they are interrupted at times, once because Davidson's uniform is at the dry cleaners, and another time because a patient who believes he is Picasso interrupts a session.

, 119m
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Adolf Hitler faces himself and must come to terms with his infamous career in an imaginary post-war subterranean bunker where he reviews historical films, dictates his memoirs and encounters Eva Braun, Josef Goebbels, Hermann Göring and Sigmund Freud.

, , 118m
100 Jahre Adolf Hitler - Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker
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A light, a day, a leader. Five men, four women, dragged out of the darkness by a hand-held spotlight. We see the last hour in the Fiihrer bunker as it really was.

, , 60m

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Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's (Sir Anthony Hopkins') last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.

, 150m
Hitler - Eine Karriere

This meticulously assembled film dissects the Third Reich with an analytical blade, charting Hitler's improbable rise, his mastery of crowd psychology and his consummate skill in exploiting others' weaknesses.

, 150m

Hitler - ein Film aus Deutschland
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This inventive, exhaustive seven-hour film looks at the rise, reign and demise of Adolf Hitler. German director Hans Jürgen Syberberg, who was a child during World War II, doesn't try to recreate history to the letter. Instead, he places his actors -- many of whom play several roles -- on a stage and has them reenact events based on and inspired by Hitler's life. The action combines traditional narration and historical characters, but also idiosyncratic tweaks, like the use of puppets.

, , 442m
Ludwig: Requiem for a Virgin King

, , 140m

Adolf und Marlene

When Hitler watches Marlene Dietrich in a movie, he falls in love with her. He persuades her to come back to Germany to be with him, but upon her arrival she constantly insults and provokes him until he eventually, on her command, bites the carpet to bits.

, 88m
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Lutz Becker lets newsreels, home movies and other archive footage tell the tale of Hitler's rise to power after WWI.

, 93m

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A dramatization based on eye witness accounts of Hitler's final days in an underground bunker, his military henchmen, and his stormy relationship with Eva Braun.

, , 108m

London, 1940. Aspiring jazz musician and future comedy legend Terence "Spike" Milligan reluctantly obeys his call-up and joins the Royal Artillery regiment at Bexhill, where he begins training to take part in the War. But along the way Spike and his friends get involved in many amusing - and some not-so amusing - scrapes. A film adaptation of the first volume of Spike Milligan's war diaries.

, , 102m
Já, spravedlnost
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At the year 1946, the time of the Nuremberg Process. One of the main actors of the Second World War, who reportedly committed suicide, Adolf Hitler is, however, missing. The Czech doctor Herman (Karel Höger) is kidnapped from Prague and driven to the sanatorium of Professor Rolf Harting (Jirí Vrstála). The sanatorium is a disguised military stronghold, most probably occupied by a Nazi garrison, with prison cells and an execution chamber in the basement. At night, Herman is taken to a patient in whom he, to his horror, recognizes Hitler (Fritz Diez).

, , 88m

Biopic of Adolf Hitler focusing on his relationships with various women from 1923 to 1945.

, , 107m
All'armi, siam fascisti!
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Documentary compiled from archives and accompanied by a poet's commentary, shows the sweep of modern Italian history from 1911 to 1961, centering on the conditions leading to Fascism and the post-WWII reaction to the Fascist experience.

, 94m

Das Leben von Adolf Hitler

Carefully chronicling in great detail the early years of Hitler's political life until his fall as the leader of Germany, this archive-footage documentary offers a sharply critical insight into the stealthy rise of the Nazi party and how it's racist vision of the world slowly took hold in a disillusioned Germany.

, 102m

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The story is about training of war dogs in a camp.

, 6m

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The stooges are repairmen who get a job fixing the doorbell in large house which is the secret headquarters of some Nazi spies. They manage to ruin most of the house while working on the wiring and then subdue the spies and sink an enemy submarine by remote control.

, 16m
The Three Stooges

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Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies.

, , , 43m

A man who does a good Hitler impression is made to look like Hitler as a decoy for assassination attempts.

, , 74m

, 12m

A team of ex-con bounty hunters go to Germany in search of Hitler. If they can find him, a million dollar reward is to be paid to them.

, , 70m

Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.

, 44m
Après Mein Kampf mes crimes

A French filmmaker responds to German militarism, calling Nazism to account via newsreel footage and re-created scenes.

, , 90m
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