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After receiving a slap in the face, Officer Silvio challenges the offending Count to a duel. However, urgent circumstances force the officer to leave, leaving the right to shoot. After many years, on the eve of the Count’s wedding, Silvio returns to demand retaliation.

, 77m

Peasant rebelling, pictures of folk anger - here accent that had to put Ivanovo in a new film. The manuscript of novel was found post mortem Pushkin in his papers. The name he did not have and remained unfinished. Intention of "Dubrovskiy" was prompted by an actual incident. A few variants of upshot of novel were saved. Ivanov became familiar with all and wrote it.

, 75m



Spasti Pushkina
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Alexander Pushkin survives in duel. Young inventors of time machine transfer him to XXI century. But, there are too much dangers in modern world. Moscow teenagers must save great russian poet.

, 82m
Yunost poeta

Biographical film "Youth of the poet", dedicated to Pushkin-Lyceum student. At the 1937 world exhibition in Paris, the film was awarded a gold medal. The Director managed to accurately recreate the historic era, to convey the atmosphere of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in the years of the formation of the poetic genius of Pushkin.

, , 85m

Pir vo vremya chumy
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, , 48m
Pushkin: Poslednyaya duel

The movie has reveal the last days of the famous and popular Russian poet - Alexander Pushkin. After the poet faced scandalous rumors that his wife Natalya Pushkina had embarked a love affair, Pushkin then challenged her brother in law to a duel!

, , 105m
Yevgeni Onegin

Eugene Onegin, a jaded young dandy from the big city of St. Petersburg, travels to the country to ingratiate himself into the affection of a dying uncle. There he meets the idealistic and romantic poet Vladimir Lensky, who introduces him to the daughters of a local landowner.

, , , 106m

Dama Pik
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A man is intrigued by the story of woman who loses everything in a card game and finds a win it all back.

, 120m

Kapitanskaya dochka

Adapted from the novel of Russian literature, focused on the military life of a young rebel and his youthful passion in Tsarist Russia.

, , 87m
Malen'kie tragedii

, , 38m
Poslednyaya doroga

About the death of Aleksandr Pushkin, the leading poet and writer of Russia, who was shot on a duel and died when he was 37.

, , 101m

Skazka o pope i ego rabotnike Balde
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, , 22m

A modern take on the classic novel by Alexander Pushkin. Vladimir is a successful banker and a regular at trendy night clubs. Masha is a diligent graduate of a British college and a loving daughter. It looks like they have bright future ahead. However, an unexpected quarrel between two eccentric fathers forces their offspring to live through the conflict of Pushkin's novel.

, , 123m
Russkiy bunt
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A historical drama based on the novel of the same name.

, , , 130m


Russia, 1820s: Onegin inherits his uncle's country estate and moves there from St. Petersburg. He befriends his neighbor, Lensky, and meets Tatyana through him. She falls in love with Onegin but he just wants friendship.

, , , 106m


Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....

, , 110m


Filmed at the 1992 Glyndebourne Festival in Lewes, England, this production won unanimous critical acclaim for its innovative interpretation of Tchaikovsky's opera "Pique Dame" ("Queen of Spades"). Although sung in Russian, the production features English sopranos Felicity Palmer as the old countess and Nancy Gustafson as Lisa. Russian tenors Dimitri Kharitonov, Sergei Leiferkus and Yuri Marusin co-star.

, , 170m

A production of the famous Pushkin/Mussorgsky opera, performed in 1990 at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia, conducted by Valery Gergiev.

, , 104m

A possible impostor torments a newly crowned medieval czar who may have ordered the real successor's death.

, , , 115m

, , , 257m


Onegin visits a friend, his fiancee and her sister Tatiana, who believes Onegin is her fated love. She writes a note telling him so, but he rejects her. Years later he returns, finding her married, but now he's smitten with her.

, , , 117m

Eti... tri vernye karty...

, , 87m

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Based on the Alexander Pushkin's play, epic story about Tsar Boris Godunov, who reigned over Russia between 1598 and 1605.

, , , 141m

Skazka o tsare Saltane

Czar marries one of three sisters and they have a son. The other two consumed by jealousy throw the girl and the boy into the sea. They end up on an island where the boy meets a magical swan who grants wishes. The boy uses three.

, , , , 69m


The third film of the biographical cycle based on Pushkin's drawings and texts.

, , 42m

Hermann is an officer of the engineers in the Imperial Russian Army. He constantly watches the other officers gamble, but never plays himself. One night, Tomsky tells a story about his grandmother, an elderly countess. Many years ago, in France, she lost a fortune at cards, and then won it back with the secret of the three winning cards, which she learned from the notorious Count of St. Germain. Hermann becomes obsessed with obtaining the secret.

, , 92m

The second part of a trilogy of films based on Pushkin's drawings, poems and letters.

, , 30m

A musical fairytale based on the poem "The Tale of the Dead Princess" by Alexander Pushkin.

, , 76m

Malenkie tragedii

A feature film based on the three-part adaptation of the poetic and dramatic cycle of Alexander Pushkin

, , , 240m

The film is based on the drawings and manuscripts of A.S.Pushkin.

, , 30m

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A Lappish girl, the only daughter of a reindeer herder, rescues a crashed German fighter pilot during WW2. The two develop warm feelings for each other during his convalescence.

, , , , 109m

Ruslan i Lyudmila

The film is based on the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name. In the midst of the wedding party of Prince Ruslan and Ludmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir, the girl is kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Chernomor and the witch Naina. Three former suitors for her hand set out, as does Ruslan, to rescue Ludmila...

, , 150m

Dama pikowa

A young engineer tries to get a card secret from a dying countess that allows him to make a fortune.

, , 26m
Und der Regen verwischt jede Spur

A story of love between French student Alain and German high school student Christine.

, , 94m

Stantsionnyy smotritel

In the early 19th century a traveler returns to the remote outpost he’d visited years before, anxious to see the station master’s lovely daughter once again. There the brokenhearted old man tells him the story of the dashing fellow from Petersburg who whisked her away one winter morning.

, , 68m

, , 88m
Skazka o zolotom petushke

A satirical fairy tale about an old tsar Dadon and a golden cockerel who guarded the borders of his kingdom.

, , , 21m

Motsart i Salieri

Film version of the Rimsky Korsakov opera from the Pushkin story.

, , 47m

Skazka o tsare Saltane

A fairytale based on Alexander Pushkin novel.

, , , 87m

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, , 72m

La dame de pique

A countess married to Russia's envoy to the court of Louis XVI is a gambling addict and doesn't seem to mind that she loses nightly at the card table.Until a mysterious count entrusts her with a dangerous secret.

, , 92m
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Vladimir is a young officer who settles in a small town. He falls for Maria, the pretty daughter of a widow from whom he rents a room. Neither are able to commit to each other until he is called away for active duty during the cold winter.

, , , 78m

Pikovaya dama

Screen adaptation of Tchaikovsky's opera based on the Aleksandr Pushkin short story of the same name.

, , , 106m

Il vendicatore

A Russian Robin Hood ;the story of a young officer whose father was despoiled of his valuable properties by a greedy wealthy neighbor .

, , 113m
La tempesta

In 18th century Russia, Imperial officer Piotr Grinov is dispatched to a faraway isolated outpost where his loyalties are tested during the Pugachev Rebellion against the Empress Catherine II.

, , 120m

, , 95m
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Russian filmmaker Vera Stroyeva specialized in cinematic adaptations of famous operas. One of the most successful of these was her 1955 film version of Mussorgsky and Pushkin's Boris Godunov. Stroyeva's adaptation deftly streamlines the story of a Russian czar whose life is placed in jeopardy by a pretender to his throne. A. Pirogov sings the title role, while G. Nellep provides vocal and visual menace as the "False Dmitri". The use of a color process known as Magicolor adds just the right touch of theatrical artificiality to the pomp-and-splendor proceedings.

, , 110m


The history of the gypsy Aleko who couldn't forgive the betrayal of his wife.

, , , 60m

Skazka o mertvoi tsarevne i o semi bogatyryakh

A cruel queen jealous of her stepdaughter's beauty sends her deep into the woods on the night before wedding. The princess comes across a hut where seven good knights live, while the prince goes on a quest to find his bride.

, , , , 30m

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An elderly countess strikes a bargain with the devil and exchanges her soul for the ability to always win at cards. An army officer, who is also a fanatic about cards, murders her for the secret, then finds himself haunted by the woman's spirit.

, , 95m

La figlia del capitano

Literary adaptation: A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.

, , 102m
Rakkauden risti

The daughter of a lighthouse keeper runs away with a shipwrecked businessman to the city. But instead of her dreams, she finds herself selling herself in the streets, until a painter finds her as an ideal model for his next painting.

, , , 99m

Aquila nera

An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a teacher of French.

, , 97m
Un colpo di pistola

Count Anikoff, a Russian officer, challenges his best friend, Sergei, to a duel when he finds him courting the young woman he, too, is in love with. Sergei can't bring himself to kill his friend. He fires only after taking the bullet out of his pistol. Now, it is the Count's turn to fire...

, , 90m
Der Postmeister
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A troubled father, working as a postmaster in province, worries about his daughter taken to the capital by a rich officer.

, , 92m

Skazka o rybake i rybke

Tale about a fish-man and a fish, based on Alexander Pushkin story.

, , 28m

La dame de pique

Russia, 1835. Lieutenant Hermann, a compulsive gambler, is fascinated by an infallible martingale held by Countess Tomski, nicknamed The Queen of Spades. The day Hermann wants to wring the secret from her, the countess dies of fear. Following this tragic scene, Hermann sinks into dementia. Luckily, Lisa, his frail lover, brings him back to life and happiness.

, , 87m
Volga en flammes

An adventurer has proclaimed himself Czar of the People and resent the countryside at the head of his horde of bandits.

, , 86m
Poet i tsar

Film about the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin and his relationship to his tsar, Nikolai I.

, , , 75m

A wanted Russian lieutenant becomes a masked vigilante seeking vengeance upon the man who stole his family's land, only to fall for his charming daughter.

, , , , , 73m

Pikovaya dama

While hosting a game of cards one night, Narumov tells his friends a story about his grandmother, a Countess. As a young woman, she had once incurred an enormous gambling debt, which she was able to erase by learning a secret that guaranteed that she could win by playing her cards in a certain order. One of Narumov's friends, German, has never gambled, but he is intrigued by the story about the Countess and her secret. He soon becomes obsessed with learning this secret from her, and he starts by courting her young ward Lizaveta, hoping to use her to gain access to the Countess.

, , , 63m

Domik v Kolomne

Based on the story by Pushkin. Pretty young Parasha is living with her widowed mother. Parasha diligently takes care of many household tasks, but she also enjoys flirting with the guards's officers who pass by her window, and she has one particular favourite. One day, Parasha's mother asks her to hire a cook, and to do so as cheaply as possible. Parasha and her beau soon see a way to use this situation to their own advantage.

, , , 30m


"Rusalka" or "Mermaid" based on Pushkin, an opera by Dargomizhsky, and other sources: A prince and a miller's daughter have been involved in a romance together, but now the prince tells her that he must break it off. After the prince leaves, the distraught young woman attempts to drown herself. When the prince's wedding day arrives, he is tormented by her image, which appears wherever he goes. Eventually, he is compelled to return and to try to find out what happened to her, regardless of the consequences.

, , , 9m
Zhizn i smert A.S. Pushkina

The life and death of Alexander Pushkin is summarised in a 5-minute sequence of half-a-dozen scenes. The film's subtitles are in Russian.

, , 5m

Pikovaya dama

Based on Pushkin's short story: When his friends play faro, Germann always enjoys watching, but he never gambles himself. One day, as he is watching their game, he learns that an elderly countess staying nearby is said to possess a secret for winning a fortune at the game. Germann is determined to learn this secret from her, and he initiates a romance with her grand-daughter Liza, in order to improve his chances.

, , , 15m

Mazepa, the Ukrainian governor is in love with his goddaughter Maria. He quickly wins her heart. But her old father treats the wooer harshly… Maria runs away. The furious father won’t submit. This intrigue makes the most of the ingredients of historical drama. Maria is confronted to the arbitrary; the young woman is in a dilemma between her love and her family. The tragic outcome is equal to her destiny.

, , , 16m

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