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Une Collection D'art Et De Sang: Le Catalogue Goering
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For more than a decade, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler's right-hand man during the infamous Third Reich, assembled a collection of thousands of works of art that were meticulously catalogued. Why did he steal entire collections, mainly those belonging to Jewish families, ultimately victims of the Shoah? Was it to satisfy his aesthetic ambitions and his insatiable personal greed or was he acting in the common interest of the Nazi rulers?

, 89m

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The Nuremberg trials, 1946 Goering and the Nazi high command stand trial. Within the prison a dangerous mind game is being conducted by Goering and the prison guards who stand watch over the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

, 99m
Meiers Nachlaß

An auction in Munich, 1974, old man with crockery and knick-knacks labelled "Former property of Hermann Göring": relics of Nazism sold to the benefit of the post-war state: the west criticised by the east.

, 21m
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