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Isaak Babel - Die Reiterarmee
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, 27m


The subversive masterpieces of Russian-Ukrainian writer Isaac Babel challenged the reality of life under rising totalitarianism, and led to his arrest and execution in 1940. In Finding Babel, Andrei Malaev-Babel confronts complex traces of a turbulent history that echo in his grandfather's writing and in the conflicts of today's Ukraine and Russia. Babel's fiction is woven into Andrei's search with ethereal animation that puts the viewer, like Babel's readers, between fantasy and reality.

, , , 88m

Mendel Krik, is the owner of a small transport company. He lives with his two sons and his sister and no longer follows the precepts of his religion for a long time. Her dream is to leave everything and live with her young mistress.

, , 88m

Iskusstvo zhit v Odesse

The plot of the movie is based on books of Isaak Babel about Jewish criminals in city of Odessa before and after the Russian revolution.

, , 107m

Bindyuzhnik i korol

Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника Менделя Крика. Вся эта история начинается, когда Мендель решил оставить семью и уйти к молодой красавице Маруське, продав свою знаменитую на всю Одессу конюшню…

, , , , 169m
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Based on a short story by Isaac Babel, this parable finds Jesus refusing mercy to a young woman, instead giving her a guardian angel that she seduces.

, , 37m

Bezhin lug

A Soviet farmer's son, who is working at a Kolchos is killed by his father, who wants to burn the fields of the Kolchos to damage the Soviet Society.

, , 31m

Benya Krik

The seamy Jewish underworld of Odesa is the setting for Isaac Babel's story based on the life of gangster king Mishka Yaponchik "Mike the Jap" Vinnitsky. Murder is a way of life for Benya and his gang until he finds himself ensnared in a Bolshevik trap.

, , , 81m
Evreyskoe schaste

The story of a Jewish entrepreneur ins Tsarist Russia always look for a get rich quick scheme.

, , , 100m

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