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, , 90m

, , 14m
A Erva do Rato

The names of the characters are pronouns. She is a teacher, with his father dead just three days ago. Faced with this situation, He intends to take care of her while He is alive. This is the beginning of an odd relationship.

, , , 80m
Quanto Vale Ou É Por Quilo?

Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.

, , 110m

Free adaptation of Machado de Assis' "Dom Casmurro". Bento marries an actress, and soon afterwards she gets pregnant. Then, he begins to suspect the child isn't his, but his best friend's.

, , 91m
Memórias Póstumas

Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's classic. The narrator is a rich dead man, who tells us about his life and times, making fun of both.

, , , 101m

A Causa Secreta

Theater director asks his actors for a research on human cruelty and misery in Brazil, while trying to raise funds for his next production, a play based on a story by Machado de Assis, "A Causa Secreta" (The Secret Cause). The troupe oblige and go around town witnessing long lines in National Health Services, inhuman conditions in public hospitals and poor people being constantly humiliated. They find people are becoming indifferent to human suffering.

, , 93m

Based on a book by Machado de Assis (1839-1908) and adapted to the present time. After the death of the philosopher Quincas Borba, his friend and disciple Rubiao inherits all he possessed: his fortune, his dog, his philosophy and the germ of his madness. Rubiao's passion for Sofia, a friend's wife, places him at the center of a game in which she is the main piece while he is the only one who ignores the rules. The story of a dreamer and delirious man facing a reality to which he is not prepared.

, , 116m

Irreverent adaptation of great writer Machado de Assis's masterpiece "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" ("Brás Cubas's Posthumous Memories"). A dead man tells about his love life and adventures, specially his affair with Virgília, a dubious married woman.

, , , 92m

A Missa do Galo

It's Christmas Eve and an aunt and her nephew have to deal with their platonic relationship.

, , 24m
Azyllo Muito Louco

A new priest comes to a Brazilian coastal town and builds an insane asylum. Eventually the whole population ends up in the asylum.

, , , 100m

Adaptation of Machado de Assis’s classic novel “Dom Casmurro”. Bentinho and Capitu are friends since childhood and end up marrying. But Bentinho destroys his life when he starts suspecting Capitu has an affair with his best friend and that his son is not really his.

, , 105m
Viagem ao Fim do Mundo

During a flight, passengers confront their aspirations, frustrations, fears, wishes and fears, mixing up reality and fiction.

, , 90m

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