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, 17m
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, , 50m


, 38m

, 58m
Papillons de nuit
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Nocturnal Butterflies is Servais' serene and melancholic homage to Belgian surrealist Paul Delvaux (1897-1994), whose architectural paintings serve as the basis for the mise-en-scène for the film, and whose opaquely gazed women represent the enigmatic, silent witnesses who guard the secrets of the eccentric artist's curious world of precisely rendered, hermetic construction.

, 8m

Paul Delvaux ou les femmes défendues
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The second part of "Le monde de Paul Delvaux" (1944/1946)

, 24m
Le Monde de Paul Delvaux
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An art documentary which captures images of portraits made by the painter Paul Delvaux.

, 11m

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