In the video film shots from the tour are interspersed with acted scenes, video clips and theoretical reflections of Slavoj Žižek and critic Chris Bohn. Together they form a compelling story about Laibach, controversial Slovene music group in the eighties.
Aren't the deformed images of Marx which we often come across in the Czech Republic, a manifestation of the fact that we have not yet come to terms with the communist regime, asks Michael Hauser, philosophy lecturer from the Charles University in Prague. Filmmakers took his question and transformed it into a film. They followed a protest with their camera, they caught Slovenian philosophy bear Slavoj Zizek in a Prague archway. For those, who might get bored, they used colorful filters. Besides that, they invited a rat to participate, an animal that knows how to listen.
After the fall of the Berlin wall, much changed in Yugoslavia, that is now ex-Yugoslavia; a post industrial, post modern, post national, post colonial, post structural society, that can be perhaps summarized in the concept of post socialism? The disintegration of the concept of ideology means that notions are no longer clear. Because we think that we are outside an ideological context, but perhaps we ourselves are the centre of the ideology. It is this idea that corresponds with the thoughts about post socialism in the nineties, and probably the post ideological society of late capitalism as well. The end of the ideological period then perhaps seems imminent. These thoughts are considered in this philosophical media reflection, based on documentary fragments, statements by Peter Weibel and Slavoj Zizek and the works of three artists: Mladen Stilinovic (Zagreb), "Kasimir Malevich" (pseudonym, Belgrade) and IRWIN (Ljubljana).
Philosopher Slavoj Zizek examines the hidden themes and existential questions asked by world renowned films.
Slavoj Zizek examines famous films in a philosophical and a psychoanalytic context.
A look at the controversial author, philosopher and candidate for Slovenian presidency: Slavoj Zizek.
In this tour de force filmed lecture, Slavoj Žižek lucidly and compellingly reflects on belief - which takes him from Father Christmas to democracy - and on the various forms that belief takes, drawing on Lacanian categories of thought. In a radical dismissal of todays so called post-political era, he mobilizes the paradox of universal truth urging us to dare to enact the impossible. It is a characteristic virtuoso performance, moving promiscuously from subject to subject but keeping the larger argument in view.