Based on Mayakovsky's twentieth-century morality play, in which workers receive the awards of the blessed, and monarchs and capitalist politicians are consigned to eternal damnation.
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Letajushhij proletarij
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Soviet animated feature film
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Vpered, Vremya!
Soviet animation from Vladimir Tarasov.
Performance shot in 1977, in which emblematic actor Carmelo Bene, in the charming reconstruction of the ruins of a theater on fire accompanied by the disturbing notes of Vittorio Gelmetti, reads four poems of the Twentieth Century russian poets Vladimir Majakovskij, Boris Pasternak, Aleksandr Blok and Sergej Esènin.
Mayakovskiy smeyotsya
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Blek end uayt (Chernoe i beloe)
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The film addresses issues of racism in the Jim Crow American South. Themes of racial injustice, racial violence, working-class solidarity dominate the film. It depicts black men working in a field, walking in chains, sitting behind bars, and being executed in an electric chair. In most scenes, a white authority figure is seen whipping or guarding the men.
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Oktyabryukhov i Dekabryukhov
The bourgeois wedding of Dekabryukhova is interrupted by the machine-gun fire of revolution. He flees abroad, leaving his wife. Oktyabryukhov stays and adapts to the new life. At the end of the picture there is an attempt at universal reconciliation and the poet's tormenting theme "three-way love". Dekabryuhov returns to his homeland. His wife is already married to Oktyabryukhov. Having learned about it, Dekabryukhov tries to leave, but the newlyweds force him to stay.
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Young workers of a lace factory are divided by a conflict - activists against hooligans.