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Sexuální boj komodit
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, 7m
Wer hat Angst vor Wilhelm Reich?

About the researcher Wilhelm Reich, who wanted to prove and compare life-energies in global experiments and searched for basic principles of life. His transformation from the model student Freud to the questionable UFO researcher is also addressed.

, 95m
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A$$untina of the Amerikas is a musical comedy of a prostitute that, in 24 hours, wakes up, fights her mother, puts her son in anarchy, has a date with Santa Claus, a blue bear and two girlfriends. Then she finally meets her old millionaire lover. They spend their time to talk about everyday life and make love. Based on the novels of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Wilhelm Reich.

, , 90m

W.R. - Misterije organizma
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A homage to the work of psychologist Wilhelm Reich, matched with a story about a Yugoslavian girl's affair with a Russian skater. Sexual repression, social systems and the orgone theory are explored.

, , 84m

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