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Argentina, mayo de 1969: Los caminos de la liberación

A collection of shorts, some documentary and some fictional, showing the political climate in Argentina during the military regime of the late 1960s.

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, , , 210m
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Together is set in London's East End, with its bombsites, narrow streets, riversides, warehouses, markets, and pubs. It follows two deaf-mute dockers who are completely cut-off from the outside world and are constantly pursued by groups of jeering children. Its modern depiction of everyday working-class life and its new approach to realism were inspired by Italian neo-realism and by the techniques used by Mazzetti's Free Cinema friends.

, 52m

Watchman lords over a small cave in the Caribbean, living off the land and sea, as cruise ships and civilization float by. His solitary routine will soon be interrupted by a mysterious package that appears on the shore.

, 11m

100 dnů
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Life is going on, people work and have children, out of love or out of lack of other motivation in life. As there is no God, the only certitude is 24 hours open Tesco hypermarket. 40 years ago, Apollo 11 landed on the the surface of the Moon. Next destination is Mars. No human project can go on without a hope of being completed in a reasonable time-limit. Maximal reasonable time-limit is the duration of a human life. What does fit into it? Béla, a retired Hungarian bio-molecular scientist is waiting for death. In the meantime, he has some things to say.

, 22m
Les gosses de Montmartre
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Children in Montmartre play at war, with tin-can telephones and forays of throwing trash over the wall of a home owner.

, , 4m

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, 15m

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, 79m
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, 22m

La Imagen del Tiempo
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, 61m

Une infinie tendresse
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French documentary on the world of a brain-damaged, physically-handicapped child confined to a wheel chair, unable to speak but trying desperately to communicate with his nurse and the other children in the hospital. It chronicles his friendship with another youngster even more crippled than himself, their joy in being together, their little spats and, finally, the termination of their friendship by death. Directed by Pierre Jallaud, it is a remarkable achievement, treating its subject creatively yet with complete integrity. There is no commentary, no dialogue, only the natural sounds of the children and their environment.

, 92m

Kto razbudit aksolotlja?

, 48m

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A young filmmaker returns to the village where she was born – a hamlet in the north of France – to investigate a strange story about a terrorist threat. She starts with members of her own family, and doesn’t have to go much further. The misunderstanding – as it turns out to be – shows above all how alarmist news items and political machinations in the cities can take on a life of their own, deep in the hinterland.

, 100m
Shi ren chu chai le

In 2002, Ju Anqi made a film about a tour by the poet Shu through Xinjiang, the most western-lying, autonomous Uyghur province of China. All that we know about Shu is that he plays a poet who sends himself on a business trip - an absurd, satirical starting point that sets the tone for the film. For a variety of reasons, it was not until 2013 that Ju started editing the rough, lyrical material that he had shot in what is now a very restless Xinjiang: it's like an excellent wine that has had time to mature. Structured around 16 poems which he wrote on the road, Shu’s physically exhausting journey takes him along endless rocky roads, passing shabby inns and through impressive landscapes from one prostitute to the next. In its documentary authenticity, Poet on a Business Trip is also an historic document that exudes an atmosphere of loss, providing an unsentimental yet melancholy glimpse of a country in transition and a mirror for the existential irreversibility of time. (c)

, , 103m

In 1993, 16-year-old Brandon Lee enrolled at Bearsden Academy, a secondary school in a well-to-do suburb of Glasgow, Scotland. What followed over the next two years would become the stuff of legend.

, , 104m

Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, another friend thinking of moving to Vienna, they wander around and talk.

, 61m
Obloki smierci. Bolimów 1915

Reconstruction of the events of WW I near Bolimów, where the first mass attack with chemical weapons in history took place.

, 65m

“An Zéro” is a transmedia project structured around a docu-fiction which has the ambition of exploring and documenting, in a plausible manner, the scope of the consequences a major nuclear accident would have on Luxembourg, it’s neighboring countries (Grande-Région) and Europe.

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, 85m

An eight-hour fiction shot for a total of twenty-seven weeks, over a period of fourteen months, in a village population forty-seven in the mountains of Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It is a geographic description of the work and non-work of a farmer. A portrait, over five seasons, of a family, of a terrain, of a soundscape, and of duration itself. A film-as-adaptive-landscape. A georgic in five books.

, , 480m

Di ceng 1: lai ke

, 126m

L'Île aux oiseaux
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After a long period of isolation, Antonin rediscovers the world in a bird shelter where, rocked by the noise of planes, troubled souls are saved just as much as the birds.

, 62m


Russian-born director Aleksey Lapin travels back to his relatives’ home village near the Ukrainian border, where he himself used to spend every summer. The film crew introduce themselves at a specially organized musical event, claiming that they have come to cast a historical film that is to be set in the village. What follows is a charming, semi-fictional documentary by and with the village community.

, 123m
God beloy luny

The film consists of records of mother's phone call conversation with her son. She lives in accordance with astrological predictions, he complains about problems with his boyfriend. She sings in karaoke, he travels all over the world, she is ill - he is silent. But in the White Moon Year the invisible karmic planet Selene will show them the way of Light and Grace, giving their lives a higher meaning. Tragicomedy about the conversation of two closest people who live far from each other and cannot really hear each other.

, 21m
La passe du diable

Rahim's older brother Mokhi refuses to take him to Kabul's big bouzkachi game. Rahim decides to go there on his own. Guided by the angel of death, Azrael, Rahim follows a difficult path to Kabul.

, 90m
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, 9m

La Canta delle Marane
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On a hot summer day, a group of boys of the Roman suburbs play and laugh in one of the many rivers that surround the city. The camera scrutinizes them, approaches them, reveals the gestures and glances, wraps them in a sort of visual dance, while the words of the commentary (entrusted to the poetic sensibility of Pier Paolo Pasolini) narrate the stories, desires, dreams, the future.

, 10m


, , 55m
Le retour à la vie
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Since 1930, unemployment grows in France. A family, living in the country, is facing economic hardship. The father hesitates to spend his money to invest (i.e. to buy a new cow). On the contrary, her daughter who is unemployed, has another point of view. Against his timidity, she explains to him that the money must be shared in order to change the world. There's so much progress to make in many areas such as health, roads, electricity, school...

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, 10m
Vraťme se všichni zpátky na zem
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, , 6m
O tom, jak se šaman Saša rozhodl vymítit démona z Putina
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, , 3m

Daily life in an impossibly cramped Beijing apartment takes on epic proportions in this, intimate portrait, with unprecedented access, of a working-class Chinese family. Boldly transforming documentary into fiction, Liu Jiayin cast her parents and herself as fictionalized versions of themselves. Her father, Liu Zaiping, sells leather bags but is slowly going bankrupt. He argues with his wife, Jia Huifen, and his daughter over methods to boost business in the shop. A cloud of anxiety follows them into sleepless nights shared in the same bed. But through the thousand daily travails of city life, a genuine and deeply moving picture of Chinese familial solidarity emerges from the screen.

, 110m

Collaboratively developed with members of my family, shortly after the Sri Lankan Civil War in 2010, a narrative was improvised around an investigation into my mother's interactions with spirits in the village where she grew up.

, 15m
El Father Como Sí Mismo

A young film director returns to Venezuela, inspired to make a film based on his father's life in the Amazon jungle (La Fortaleza, Jorge Thielen Armand). He casts Father to play himself. What starts as an act of love and ambition — filmmaking to more deeply understand the self, and the other — spirals into a process which confronts Father’s struggles with addiction and his life devoid of his son. EL FATHER PLAYS HIMSELF holds a steady lens to the way the act of cinema unearths, binds, heals and destroys.

, 105m
Morava, krásná zem III
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, , 68m
Moravia, Beautiful Land

, , , 30m
Nadie es inocente

"Kara", in an attempt to extinguish the fire that burns him and to flee from drugs and his own frustration, sets out on a train journey. On his trip he nostalgically recalls all kinds of scenes with his gang the "Punk Shits" in Ciudad Neza.

, 55m

A director and a producer are working on the dossier of their new film, hoping to get funding from a potential investor. What happens next leads to questions about the dreams and realities of making their film.

, 18m
Idhi Katha Matramena

Yugantar's most well-known film, Is This Just a Story? (Idhi Katha Matramena, 1983), is a collaboration with the Hyderabad-based feminist activist collective Stree Shakti Sanghatana and an urgent treatise on domestic violence.

, 25m

In 2066, a survivor of an enigmatic cult recounts his country’s traumatic history and the events leading to the rise and fall of the cult. Ghosts from 2014 and before appear as witnesses. Part dream documentary, part city symphony, this film traces the lineage of oppression as inscribed in Singapore’s landscape and collective unconscious.

, , 105m

, 10m
, 30m

A poet chooses to give birth alone at home surrounded by characters pregnant with their dreams. The narrative takes root in each moment of reality. The truth extracted from context is fictionalized. A way of staging life.

, 110m
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, 117m

An adventurous tragedy about Estonia's first film maker Johannes Pääsuke and his aspirations to travel around with a film camera and find happiness. Together with a good friend, Volter, Pääsuke will spend an incredible week in Setumaa.

, , 104m
Parta Analog

, 77m
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, , 49m
Tutto l'oro che c'è

, 100m
Diese süße Wiese

, 71m
Le Silence Des Sirènes

Finding inspiration in Kafka’s short text The Silence of the Sirens, in which he reinterprets Homer’s deadly songstresses as silent apparitions, Diana Vidrascu has created the mesmerising portrait of Céline, a young actress from Martinique living in Paris and struggling to find her place in the world. As she returns to her roots in order to explore her identity, we take the trip with her in this intimate story of origins and destinations.

, 34m
Lamunan Oi!
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A portrait of the largest Muslim Punk community in the world, as seen through the eyes of Punk teenagers, in relation to the extreme social, environmental and political environment they live in.

, 65m
Nim-a, geu-gang-eul geon-neo-ji ma-o

A couple who have lived together for 76 years faces the last moment of their marriage.

, , 86m
Ma Nudité Ne Sert À Rien

, 85m
Lettre à Théo
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The filmmaker Théo Angelopoulos died on January 24th, 2012, knocked down by a motorbike on the set of his final film. In his unfinished film, he was telling the destinies of the victims of the Greek crisis. The list of victims of the crisis has only grown longer, this destitution echoing another that Théo had sensed was coming: that of the massive arrival of refugees who find themselves trapped in Greece by the closure of the borders. Yet citizen resistance is being organized and fights every day to bring those in danger of obliteration out of the shadows. Ironically, the ambulance supposed to come to his rescue broke down because budgetary restrictions had made it impossible to maintain the vehicle. The crisis itself killed Théo. This is a letter addressed to him in the form of a film.

, 70m

, 28m
, 15m

A historical and personal story, based on the director's own experience, family, friends and acquaintances. We follow them and depict different situations throughout their lives - the sad, the vile, the emotional and the comical. A universal story of a family that has arisen from a simultaneously beautiful and tragic cultural encounter; as is the case in hundreds of thousands of families around Europe and the rest of the Western World.

, 76m

The Chant of Steppes builds on a love triangle. Mohabat likes two men but she can not make the right choice and decides to marry the one who wins the bouzkachi contest. A poet and an artist have to cross mountains and steppes to engage in a noisy and dusty contest of horsemen in order to gain the hand and the heart of the beautiful Mohabat. The rules of the traditional Oriental game called bouzkachi are strict – a team of riders has to get the headless carcass of a ram clear of the other players to win the contest.

, 90m
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A political essay on the absurd dilemmas presented by asylum policies. In a classroom, migrants’ illusions are dashed against the rocks of European arrogance.

, 77m

, 10m
Budapest Tragédiája

, , 14m

A documentary on the massacre of Planas in the Colombian east plains in 1970. An Indigenous community formed a cooperative to defend their rights from settlers and colonists, but the government organized a military operation to protect the latter and foreign companies.

, 31m
A toi, où que tu sois

, 52m
Abols upe

Lives of two young people change after they fall in love.

, 76m

A travelogue through the remains of São Paulo failing 80s economy, including its in ruins film industry.

, 90m

In Xingu, the Quarup - a great festive event in which men steal the divine fire, spreading it over the earth - is celebrated every year in the Kamaiurá village. Nine tribes take part in the ritual to the sound of uruá flutes, where the pajés (shamans) Tucuma, Sapaim and Prepori, among others, are present.

, 62m
O Último Romance de Balzac

Documentary about the reminiscence of Balzac's works, spiritually and scientifically the documentary shows the strenght of this important work of French literature through the years.

, 73m

The story of Siyabonga Majola, a young man from a South African township with dreams of being a actor who does all he can to make his dreams a reality when a film production comes to a nearby town.

, 94m

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, 20m

, , 158m

Documentary and fiction blend together in an essayistic collage exploring togetherness and the human self in the age of social media.

, , 67m
Calamity Jane: Légende de l'Oues

She fought the Indians alongside Custer, witnessed the birth of Deadwood and was close friends with Buffalo Bill. She was the terror of the plains, the outrage of the saloons, the oddest of her kind. But no one ever knew who she really was. Her name was Martha Canary, her name is Calamity Jane.

, 82m

The fake story of the art found beneath the depths of the ocean from a 2,000 year old ship wreck. Damien Hirst and the crew recount the moments various discoveries are made, the myths and legends surrounding the find.

, 90m
Albertine A Disparu

Jean is a fireman whose girl friend Albertine died of a horse accident shortly after having left him. He suffers a great pain because he had serious hopes of her coming back home. It’s a double punishment which he attempts to confess to his fellow firemen between two rescue urgencies. His grief and his doubts invade gently the fire station.

, 34m

, 71m

, 12m
Kraj Svjetla

, 62m
Pára-Me De Repente O Pensamento
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A psychiatric hospital. The inner world of schizophrenia. An actor looking for his character.

, 101m

Všechno Bude Fajn

, 71m
Baltu Ciltis

DocuDrama about 13th century pre-Christian culture. Danish spy Lars enters the tribal lands of the Baltic peoples, where he takes part in religious rites, cruel forays, gets high during the Summer Solstice, becomes slave to the Couronians and even fights the crusaders. Who were the last pagans of Europe and how did they live? It is a unique trip into the textures of the past and into the unknown lands of the Baltic Tribes.

, 103m

A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release it as a work of his own, he loses himself and the film crew following him into his project.

, , 91m
Mau Tempo, Marés e Mudança

, 90m

, 22m

, 18m

, 42m
Santa Teresa Y Otras Historias

In the fictional city of Santa Teresa, located on the border between Mexico and USA, the researcher Juan de Dios Martínez straddles the line between journalism and detective work. Based on an unfinished book by Roberto Bolaño, his character investigates a handful of crimes and abuses perpetrated on women and workers of the zone.

, , 65m

Down on the banks of the Maroni River, little Derreck dreams of heroic warriors. He’s a member of the Wayana tribe in French Guyana. In this film, Derreck is not our only portal into another world. His sister Sylvana also dreams – of an impossible love, who belongs to a different tribe. Their grandmother Malilou takes us back to her youth in the 1950s. It seems that everyone wanders off now and again into a parallel, at times almost ghostly world. Whereas the youngest members of the tribe can still lose themselves in boundless flights of fantasy, the older generation contemplates more existential questions. How do dreams of the future relate to identity? What makes you a real Wayana?

, 112m

After suffering a near fatal head injury, a young cowboy undertakes a search for new identity and what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.

, 104m
Hálito Azul

Ribeira Quente is a fishing village in S. Miguel Island in the Azores facing the last days of a fishing activity as they know it.

Morava, krásná zem II: Zrození fašismu z ducha fašaňku
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, , , 43m
Moravia, Beautiful Land

, , , 30m
Morava, krásná zem
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, , , 30m
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A documentary road-movie following the journey of a grave-robber, who travels in a caravan to Vienna, to return stolen teeth of Strauss and Brahms. The teeth, which he stole himself.

, 67m
Filme Para Poeta Cego
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Glauco Mattoso, a blind sadomasochistic poet, agrees to participate in a documentary about his own life, but the conditions he imposes raise difficulties to the work of the young director.

, , 26m
Koniec Swiata

THE END OF THE WORLD is an intimate, creative and very immensely visual documentary where couple of stories weave into one narrative during in one night.

, 40m

The film discusses the creation of the universe from a scientific view and the possible vision of its future.

, , 107m
Prezident Blaník

, , 90m

A young Bulgarian girl digs into her grandfather's turbulent life in an attempt to unravel the past and find answers and explanations for the catastrophic fall of communism.

, 91m

A symphonic journey into our obsessive consumption. The many objects we accumulate begin their production journey in silent secluded industrial site where borderline men work in isolation without any interference. These men trigger, unconsciously, the long chain of creation, transport, commercialization and destruction of the objects feeding our bulimic lifestyle.

, 94m
, 30m
, , , 40m

THE FARMER is the story of one man's resistance against the seemingly unstoppable megatrends of our time, spearheaded by a Bhutanese farmers' leader, Sangay, and told from the perspective of a German film director, Irja. Together they shoot a fictional TV series for the only Bhutanese broadcaster to contrast the rapid rural exodus currently taking place in Bhutan with the vision of a new, forward-looking generation of farmers. While the fictional scenes tell the story of a young woman from the city being confronted with the challenges of farm life, the documentary scenes show two people's struggle to realize their dream of changing things for the better. Both journeys lead into a new world full of huge obstacles, unexpected precipices and hidden treasures.

, 93m

, 8m

, 20m
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