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Shurka vyibiraet more

At the beginning of the film, the main character, Shurka, is full of childish illusions and false romantic notions about the sea and the life of sailors, about long voyages and big ships. With these illusions he begins his voyage. But book romance gives way to a realised love of the sea, understanding of the people he encountered on a small fishing seiner. At first he is disappointed and dissatisfied with everything. But gradually he realises his love for the sea and becomes a full member of the fishermen's collective.

, 70m

Irgendwann werden wir uns alles erzählen
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Set in a warm summer in 1990 in former East Germany, it follows a young woman who begins a relationship with a charismatic farmer who is twice her age.

, , 129m
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André and Vera are a young entrepreneurial couple. They get the opportunity to pitch their female health app at a prestigious competition. Before going there, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking. From this point, her attitude changes and André starts to behave unexpectedly.

, , 98m
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The story of Liam, a neglected teenager who lives in a family where alcohol, violence and sex play the main role. He grows up to be a confused youngster which ends in a very aggressive act to break with his past.

, 105m
La abadesa
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In the 9th century, Emma, a 17-year-old girl, is named Abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in conflict with the Moors. Upon arriving at the Abbey she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...

, 122m
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Sixteen-year-old Lola is studying for her resits when the possibility of a semester in Germany comes up. Lola wants to go, but her family, bogged down by her elder sister's psychiatric problems, don't want her to make the trip. The lack of stability and exhaustion in the ties with her family prompt Lola to go ahead with her idea and set out to find new experiences that make her see both herself and the circumstances that surround her with different eyes.

, 87m
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Summer war games between the neighborhood kids turns deadly serious when jealousy and betrayal enter the mix, in this alternately hilarious and horrifying black comedy that mixes equal parts Lord of the Flies and Roald Dahl.

, , , 94m

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The story of people connected through dogs at a veterinary hospital where there is no wind at all, getting to know each other, comforting each other, and sharing their hearts

, 120m
Gou zhen
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On the edge of the Gobi desert in Northwest China, Lang returns to his hometown after being released from jail. While working for the local dog patrol team to clear the town of stray dogs before the Olympic Games, he strikes up an unlikely connection with a black dog. These two lonely souls embark on a journey together.

, 106m

Four tales unfold in Wes Anderson's anthology of short films adapted from Roald Dahl's beloved stories, "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar", "The Swan", "The Rat Catcher", and "Poison".

, , , , 88m
Pigen med nålen
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Karoline, a young factory worker, finds herself abandoned and pregnant while striving to climb out of poverty in post WW1 Copenhagen. Amidst her struggles, she meets Dagmar, a charismatic woman running a hidden adoption agency within a candy store, helping poor mothers in finding foster homes for their unwanted children.

, 115m

During the period of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, a woman who reluctantly went to a gloomy Istanbul mansion as a bride, and the mysterious owner of the mansion, will go on a journey to the dark secrets of the past together.

, , 134m

A few days before she travels to Mecca to perform Hajj, Ghada faces an emergency which forces her to reach out to people from her tainted past with whom she had cut off contact in order to collect a large sum of money. So, as she collects the money, will she manage to go to Mecca, or get tangled up in the past's webs?

, 104m
Wie ich ein Neger wurde
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Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, a teacher tries to teach his students tolerance for others.

, 104m
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In the middle of the 17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné wanted to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter then experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion. A major work of French literature is born from this devastation.

, 93m
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Iman, an investigating judge in the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, grapples with mistrust and paranoia as nationwide political protests intensify and his gun mysteriously disappears. Suspecting the involvement of his wife Najmeh and his daughters Rezvan and Sana, he imposes drastic measures at home, causing tensions to rise. Step by step, social norms and the rules of family life are being suspended.

, , 168m
La tana
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In the summer of his nineteenth year, Giulio has decided not to go away: he will spend his vacation at home, helping his parents with their work in the vegetable garden. In the house next door, empty for some time, arrives Lia, a twenty-year-old girl. Giulio would like to get to know her, but she is sullen and introverted. One day Giulio is swimming in the lake and Lia plays at drowning him. Giulio is a regular guy, sensitive and polite to a fault. Attracted to her, he starts thinking about her day and night. Lia initiates him into strange and increasingly dangerous "games." The girl won't talk about herself though. She has told him she came alone to spend her vacation in the old family home, where she hadn't been since she was a child. But Lia has secrets to keep and won't let anyone set foot in the old and abandoned house.

, 90m

A reckless girl runs away with a mentally ill guy in search of a better life.

, , , 71m

Lola, la piconera

Cadiz, during the War of Independence. The Lola singer in love with a French military entrusted an important message ...

, , 89m
Chelovek, kotoryiy bral intervyu

While working in Afghanistan, Soviet journalist Alexei Rusanov witnesses the spread of a strange disease. He manages to find out that the carriers of the dangerous virus are mosquitoes of a previously unknown species. Alexei goes to Sindabad and penetrates into the secret laboratory of Professor Neli, whose work on breeding deadly insects is financed by the CIA.

, , 86m

Tochka vozvrata

An aeroplane makes an emergency landing on one of the Arctic islands. The crew and passengers of the aircraft, finding themselves in an extremely difficult situation, emerge victorious in the fight with the harsh elements...

, , , 128m

Svecana obaveza

A professor of geography and a farmer befriend during their military service. On a day of taking the solemn oath, a farmer's father who rejected him when he was little suddenly appears. Refusing to meet him, he sends his friend to replace him.

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, 73m
Leutnant Gustl

Screen adaptation of the novel of the same name (1900) by Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler.

, , 91m
Skazanie o hrabrom Hochbare

Late 17th century, Dagestan. The young man Khochbar accompanies Saadat, the daughter of the Nutsal of the Khanate of Hunzakh, who was married for political reasons to the son of the ruler of the Caspian lands. During the long journey, tender feelings arise between the young people, which leads to a tragic denouement.

, , , 91m


35-year-old Gleb is an example of a successful man: a beautiful wife, his own business, a new dream country house. However, after he does not find the courage to deal like a man with a drunken neighbor who hit his wife, his ideal life changes dramatically.

, , 106m

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A cowboy arrives in a village in search of his daughter, a native policewoman arrests various offenders in a snowy landscape, while her niece, a basketball coach, reunites with her grandfather for a decisive journey that will shape her future, a bird flies through time and space and begins to enter the minds and dreams of a native tribe in a the Amazon forest.

, 147m

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The drama offers Arnošt Pánek, chairman of the National Committee, as the protagonist of the story. Pánek is disturbed by news of the arrest of his protégé Kvasil — chairman of a JZD agricultural cooperative in the nearby village of Spádová. He is responsible for the revival of a neglected village, but is now accused of theft, fraud, and — on top of that — the rape of an under-aged girl.

, , 101m


The first post-war years. Kolya Letechka lives in the orphanage - a victim of the "Kinderheim" concentration camp, where the Germans conducted their research on children. Terrible memories make themselves felt when Kolka finds himself on trial over traitors.

, , 154m

Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen
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Eva Örn is a newly graduated teacher, who becomes a school teacher in rural Vikarlunda. She is a beautiful young woman with firm opinions and she does not live up to the locals' picture of the ideal female teacher. She has an affair with the priest, Ingvar Hagson, but they have to keep their love a secret.

, , , 115m
Vremya dlya razmyishleniy

Alla and Igor decide to get married. It is the second marriage for both of them. A load of resentment towards her ex-husband, who is busy with science and indifferent to everyday problems, has embittered Alla. She is sure that he and his parents want to take away her child. In her anger she does not notice that she is unjust and makes her son unhappy.

, , 65m

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France, 1880. Francois Roquevillard is a respected lawyer in Chambery and the head of a family that prides itself on its impeccable morals. Francois's world rapidly begins to fall apart when his son Maurice elopes to Italy with Edith Frasne, the wife of an esteemed notary.

, 95m

Kaspar Len returns home after three years in the army. He vainly searches for the mason Kryštof's family where he had lived before he left. All he finds out is that Kryštof's daughter Márynka, who was in his thoughts all those years, is now working in the local brothel. He goes to visit her and Márynka tells him of the misfortunes which befell her family. Her father lost his job and hunger forced him to steal some food from the merchant Konopík. Konopík caught him red-handed and threatened him with the police. He finally raped Márynka. Kryštof went mad and drowned himself in despair. Márynka grew up in a reformatory and then found herself in the brothel where she had to work to pay off her debts. Len decides to avenge Kryštof's family...

, 78m
Guttaperchevyiy malchik

Based on the story of the same name by Dmitry Grigorovich. After the death of his mother, Petya was left an orphan and was given to the circus strongman Becker, a cruel and unjust man. The clown Edwards pitied and loved the boy and secretly taught him the real circus art. But the boy, frightened by Becker's shouts, fell from a height during the performance.

, , , 72m

Na zavtrashney ulitse

A new parttorg Bolshakov, an old acquaintance of the construction manager Platonov, arrives at the construction site of a large Siberian power plant. The chief engineer Tolstopiatov, a hard-working, responsive, but in many ways risky specialist, has a long-standing dispute with Platonov on fundamental positions. Having penetrated into the problems and needs of builders, Bolshakov is on the side of the chief engineer. An emergency situation that arose at the construction site due to a sharp rise in the river water, resolves the dispute between the three leaders.

, 95m

Stepnaya eskadrilya

At the height of the harvesting season, when there was a shortage of machinery and the new one needed adjustment, the chairman of the collective farm entrusted the combine harvesters to the Steppe Squadron of high school students. Only two of them ran away from the hard work, the rest of them were honourably carrying the labour watch under Sergey Lotarev till the very end. Having learnt that his beloved girl betrayed him and began to openly accept the advances of a visiting student, Lotarev decided to leave for the city, but suddenly a hurricane struck the village - and the hero rushed to the aid of his low-growth brigade.

, , 66m

Nan Jing de ji du

Ryuichi Okagawa, a Japanese writer who worked as a reporter in China has been sick ever since his return home. While in China, Okagawa had met a devoutly religious girl named Jin-hua. Okagawa was born with a predisposition to agonizing recurrent migraines, but found happiness with Jin-hua and married her. Unfortunately, he already had a wife in Japan, and this revelation crushed Jin-hua. When Okagawa returned home, leaving Jin-hua behind, she was forced to work as a prostitute, catching both a severe case of the flu and a rather less socially acceptable condition. Meanwhile, Okagawa’s guilt has torn him apart enough for him to return to China in an attempt to bring Jin-hua home with him to get medical attention, but the girl is already too far gone for his help

, , , 99m
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During an unsuccessful burglary attempt, Jaroslav accidentally kills his old neighbour. His wife, Dana, concocts a plan to make the murder seem like an accident. Another neighbour stands in the way, however, whom they also have to eliminate. Dana convinces Jaroslav to help her. They attempt to use this incident to solve some of their financial problems. With the vision of easy money, the Stodolas start killing elderly people. Initially, they proceed to cover up the murders as accidents or suicide and the police do not do much to prove it otherwise.

, 107m
Skakal kazak cherez dolinu

The film is set in the Kuban. Valentin Kravchuk, a trucker, was not going to stay here for long. He and his wife are planning to go on holiday to the south, and he came here to leave his son with his aunt Evdokia. It's harvest time in the village. Unexpectedly, a dispute with villagers makes Valentin forget about his holiday and fulfil his promise: he has to thresh two hundred tonnes of bread by all means...

, 90m

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When French painter Pierre Bonnard met Marthe de Méligny, he didn’t know this self-proclaimed aristocrat would become the cornerstone of his life and work. From this moment, she became more than just a muse for the “painter of happiness”, appearing in more than a third of his work. Together, they reached their artistic fulfillment thanks to a colourful love, different from the standards of their time, nurturing the great mystery around their relationship. Based on a true story.

, , 122m
Paradiset brinner
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In a working-class area of Sweden, sisters Laura (16), Mira (12) and Steffi (7), get by on their own, left to their own devices by an absent mother. With summer on the way and no parents around, life is wild and carefree, vivacious and anarchic. But when social services call a meeting, Laura has to find someone to impersonate their mom, or the girls will be taken into foster care and separated. Laura keeps the threat a secret, so as not to worry her younger sisters. But as the moment of truth draws closer, new tensions arise, forcing the three sisters to negotiate the fine line between the euphoria of total freedom and the harsh realities of growing up.

, 108m
Baavgai Bolohson
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Ulzii, a teenager from a poor neighborhood in Ulaanbaatar, is determined to win a sciences-physics competition to get a scholarship. His illiterate mother finds a job in the countryside, leaving him and his brother and sister in the middle of winter. Ulzii wanders around at night looking for things to burn for heat while preparing for the national competition.

, 99m
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A film about Socrates based on Maxwell Anderson's play Barefoot in Athens.

, , , 99m

Ryadom s vami

About a kind fairy who strives to help everyone and everything. In the film, she is eighteen-year-old Lelya, who works in a laundry after finishing school.

, , , 69m

I visionari
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Inspired by the writings by Robert Musil. Won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival in 1968.

, 95m
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Aya, a young Ivorian woman in her early thirties, says no on her wedding day, to everyone’s astonishment. After emigrating to Asia, she works in a tea export shop with Cai, a 45-year-old Chinese man. Aya and Cai fall in love but can their affair survive the turmoil of their past and other people’s prejudices?

, , 110m
Ressalah min emraa maghoula
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A famous singer, who is known for being a womanizer, meets his neighbor who is enamored with him and sleeps with her. When she gives birth, she has to leave her past behind and forget about her flippant ex-lover to look after her son.

, , 120m
Todos los incendios
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Bruno, a misunderstood teenager, has developed an obsession with burning objects, recording them, and uploading videos to the internet to deal with his father’s death. When his lonely mother starts dating another man, Bruno escapes from home. He goes to another town to live with Daniela, a young pyromaniac he met online and with whom he has an epistolary relationship. During the painful separation from his mother and his best friend Ian, he begins to question his sexuality and capacity to overcome his father’s loss.

, 96m
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France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?

, 115m
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, , 103m
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After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.

, , 96m
La Roue

Pierre is an engine driver who adopts a small girl, a WWI orphan. A widower, he sees in her the image of her mother.

, 103m

Lord Oda Nobunaga plans to control Japan where rival warlords battle by waging war against several clans. His vassal Araki Murashige stages a rebellion and promptly disappears.

, , 131m
Chelovek iz chyornoy "Volgi"

The protagonist of the film is a charming and purposeful careerist. Trying to make the most of his father's official position - a major scientist, director of the institute, he strives in every possible way to ‘secure’ his place in science. And in this endeavour he does not hesitate to commit fraud, forgery or even murder.

, 98m


Former Soviet soldier returns home from Afghanistan war and found his sister is drug addict. He starts new war against drug dealers.

, , 86m

Smert Pazuhina

Ivan Pazukhin, an old merchant, dies. In anticipation of his death, a wild, beastly struggle between relatives and servants has broken out over the division of the inheritance. Ivan Pazukhin's son Prokofiy is ready to go to any humiliation in order to win the favour of the dying man. A thin thread of intrigue is woven by the arrogant and insolent official Furnachev, husband of Nastasya, Ivan's daughter. A screen adaptation of the play of the same name by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.

, , , 81m

12-year-old Bailey lives with her single dad Bug and brother Hunter in a squat in North Kent. Bug doesn’t have much time for his kids, and Bailey, who is approaching puberty, seeks attention and adventure elsewhere.

, 119m

A fading celebrity decides to use a black market drug, a cell-replicating substance that temporarily creates a younger, better version of herself.

, , 140m
Feng liu yi dai

A Chinese woman lives for herself in silence, celebrating the prosperous Belle Epoque with songs and dance.

, 111m

The story is about a young fisherman, a pupil of an orphanage, who as a result of a curious accident gets on the fishing trawler ‘Dauria’ and, thanks to his open and kind character, quickly enters a friendly family of fishermen.

, , 79m

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Genius artist Cesar Catilina seeks to leap the City of New Rome into a utopian, idealistic future, while his opposition, Mayor Franklyn Cicero, remains committed to a regressive status quo, perpetuating greed, special interests, and partisan warfare. Torn between them is socialite Julia Cicero, the mayor’s daughter, whose love for Cesar has divided her loyalties, forcing her to discover what she truly believes humanity deserves.

, , , 138m
Smert v kino

Real murder and simulated murder for the sake of experimentation during the making of a feature film.

, , 75m

This neat, intense drama, labelled “a fable for television”, stars Tom Bell as the scruffy, childlike Michael Biddle, who is invited in from the cold of a suburban street by sexually frustrated, bored housewife Cynthia, played by Christine Hargreaves. He declares that he’s an angel, and Cynthia needs an angel, but in a way Michael fears...

, , 63m
Play for Today
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It consists of only nine ten minute segments. Each shot/sequence was filmed only once in 35mm film with direct sound. The complexity and ground breaking originality of these shots has obtained widespread international acclaim.

, 90m
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It is winter in Gdynia, Poland. This is Kasia's town, a rebellious teenager: headstrong, fearless, and streetwise. When Kasia was 3 years old, her parents left Poland, hoping for a better life in Germany. They never returned and Kasia grew up with her grandmother. When her grandmother passes away, Kasia is heartstruck. To top it all off, she also seems to be pregnant.

, 112m
Yo vi tres luces negras
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A wise old man embarks on his final journey, entering the Colombian jungle to find a place to die. But the paramilitary soldiers who control the area endanger his peaceful transition to the realm of the dead.

, 87m

Yohanna is a nerve-wrecking thriller that looks at the all-too-common exploitation of young children as part of a workforce. The situation is seen through the eyes of the titular character, a young nun whose faith is wavering. When the car she uses to deliver humanitarian aid disappears, her search draws her into the shady world of children forced to work long hours and in harsh, sometimes even dangerous, conditions.

, 85m
No hay tierra sin dueño

The film tells the story of a ruthless landowner who commandeers property (both land and other men's wives) and leaves a path of human suffering and death in his wake. The film describes an intersecting universe of entrenched power--in which the landowning class, colluding priests, corrupt government officials, violent police, and U.S. businessmen--conspiring to rape the land for their own profit and to suppress the local farmers. In contrast, the working peasants cherish the land as their own and struggle to break free from oppression to build homes and better lives for their families.

, 107m

L'appel du silence
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The story of Charles de Foucauld, a cavalry officer, who became an explorer, and then became a Catholic priest and hermit in the Sahara

, 97m

Gospoda Skotininy

A comedy starring Nina Shaternikova, The Skotinins is loosely based on the 18th century play The Minor by Denis Fonvizin. In it, the upper class is shown as both depraved and stupid, engaging a variety of absurd, over-the-top follies.

, , , 60m
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A soldier survives a bombing in which his three fellow soldiers were killed. When he recovers he discovers he has amnesia, and since his companions' bodies were burned beyond recognition, the army doesn't know which one of the four he is. He goes AWOL and searches out the families of the three dead soldiers, hoping to find out his own identity.

, , , , 71m

La danse de mort
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Edgar, the officer of a prison located on an isolated island, stays with his wife but their relationship has deteriorated over time. He slowly starts to suspect that his wife is plotting against him.

, 88m
Cadetes de la naval
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Two young men go through military training, then enlist to fight in WWII

, , , 89m

Elaha, 22, believes she must restore her supposed innocence before she weds. A surgeon could reconstruct her hymen but she cannot afford such an operation. She asks herself: why does she have to be a virgin anyway, and for whom?

, 110m

Anya is brought up in an orphanage and takes part in a ballroom dancing group. She falls in love with the head of the circle, who is much older than her. After a quarrel with him, Anya abandons her newly born child in the maternity hospital and leaves for the countryside, where she settles in an abandoned house. Together with her, her peer Sanya, who is secretly and unrequitedly in love with her, leaves the orphanage. At first he seems like a child, unable to make serious and responsible decisions, but gradually Anya sees that he is growing up and falls in love with him.

, , , 68m

Il focolare domestico

Drama about a young man blinded by love.

, , 42m
Les magiciennes
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In a Munich circus, Pierre, who has come to attend the funeral of his father, a famous illusionist, finds love in the arms of the beautiful Hildegarde. But he discovers that Hildegarde has a twin sister, Greta.

, , , 101m
Das Haus ohne Lachen

Orphan Enid White becomes the ward of a cruel man. She gets close to her guardian's wife and also to his son, who secretly comes to visit when his father is not around. One evening Enid is whipped by the patriarch, and hours later he is found dead. An investigation follows.

, , 67m
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In April (Armenia 1985), on the 70th anniversary of the genocide, on April 24, 1985, Vigen Chaldranyan stages a conversation between the generations in a mixture of comedy and bitter seriousness. As every year, the veterans talk about the days of the war. But while their sons can no longer hear all this, the grandchildren feel called upon to "solve the Armenian question".

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, 26m
Vera, un cuento cruel
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South of France, XIX century. Alfredo de Quiroga, a Spanish gentleman in exile, is reluctant to admit that Vera, his wife, has died. Very concerned, begins to rebuild its surroundings as if she were still alive. The objects, dialogues, gestures ... again everything is back to make sense to him. Even his faithful butler rests on this fiction. But one day, by accident, he meets the daughter of the notary and his world begins to crumble.

, 90m
Chocolate to heitai

Chocolate and Soldiers (チョコレートと兵隊, Chokorēto to Heitai) is a 1938 Japanese war film directed by Sato Takeshi and one of the most effective Japanese propaganda films of the late 1930s. The American director Frank Capra said of Chocolate and Soldiers "We can't beat this kind of thing. We make a film like that maybe once in a decade. We haven't got the actors. It shows the common Japanese soldier as an individual and as a family man, presenting even enemy Chinese soldiers as brave individuals. It is considered to be a "humanist" film, paying close attention to the human feelings of both the soldier and his family. Cinema theorist Kate Taylor-Jones suggests that Chocolate and Soldiers provided "a vision of the noble, obedient and honourable Japanese army fighting to defend the emperor and Japan.

, , 74m

About the fate of the Afghan warrior Ivan Koval, who experienced all the horrors of captivity.

, , 100m

Krasnoe vino pobedyi
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Days of seriously wounded in the hospital in early May 1945.

, , , 83m

V polose priboya

An armed attack on cash messengers is undertaken near a trade center in a small provincial town, an agent of Ministry of Internal Affairs dies in crossfire. A crime investigator major Rovnin, who appeared to be a close friend of the deceased, comes from Moscow to assist in the investigation. He is astonished at how savagely his friend was shot, as if someone was revenging. Local investigating bodies are convinced that they can manage this and arent too satisfied with the arrival of Moscow expert. They try to handle this as soon as possible, even at the cost of mistake. But the majors task is to find the killer, in spite of the fact that he is left nothing but to hold the investigation by himself.

, , , , 84m


The main character of the film is the poet Ivan. The lyrical direction of his work is far from the conjuncture of the perestroika period and brings him neither recognition nor money. At 40, he is the author of the only collection of poems, burdened with debts, does not find mutual understanding with his wife. However, Ivan cannot force himself to follow the "clever advice" of the literary opportunists, and rather finds oblivion in drinking with his tragicomic friend Socrates.

, , 90m


Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.

, 108m

Conte cruel
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The escape of a man during the Spanish Inquisition.

, , 34m

La chamaca
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Two young homeless people meet and fall in love, but bad luck separates them again every time they find each other.

, , 102m

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Autumn 2015. Profoundly affected by the picture of a little boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, lifeguards Oscar and Gerard travel to Lesbos (Greece). Once there, the reality is horrific: thousands of people risk their lives every day, crossing the sea in precarious boats and fleeing from armed conflicts. But nobody bothers to rescue them. With Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do what they came to do, helping those who need it. For all of them, this initiation voyage will become a life-changing odyssey. Mediterráneo is the struggle to survive in the sea, an often hostile medium where every life counts.

, 109m
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Two poor musicians rise from rags to riches. Money, fame and their love for the same woman begin to crumble their friendship, revealing the true natures of both men--one noble and kind, the other a greedy, ruthless beast.

, , 60m
Shashvi shashvi maq'vali
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In a small traditional Georgian village, Etero, the owner of a housekeeping shop, is a forty-eight-year-old spinster. She cherishes her freedom, as much as her cakes, and is preparing for a peaceful and comfortable retirement away from gossip. But a fiery affair with her delivery man could derail all her plans.

, 110m
København findes ikke

Copenhagen, Denmark. While young Ida remains missing, Sander is interrogated by two men in an empty apartment.

, 99m
Ekzamen na direktora

The main character of the film - Victor Petrovich, a graduate of the institute, came on assignment to a small rural school. By chance, he was immediately appointed headmaster.

, 79m

Prodlis, prodlis, ocharovane...

Anton Nikolaevich Skvortsov is a strong and resolute person, for all his life he has been heading a big labor collective, and now he is retired, he interred his wife half a year ago, beared infarction, and now is living in his big flat with a daughter, her husband and a grown-up granddaughter. His attending doctor recommended his daughter to send him to the veterans house, in order that he could live with coevals, surrounded by congenial people and not feel so lonely. Not being able to stand all this, Anton Nikolaevich runs away from his house and goes on a sightseeing tour about Moscow. On the excursion bus he gets acquainted with Anna Konstantinovna, whos retired on pension. This meeting turnes his life upside-down.

, 82m

Una mujer en el bosque

, 18m
El deseo de Ana

Ana and her son Mateo live in a middle class apartment in Mexico City. The family routine takes a turn when Juan arrives to visit them after several years of absence. The reunion unleashes memories and secrets of their past that Ana will have to confront in order to find, at last, the peace of mind that has been lacking for so long.

, 79m

Based on a blockbuster song by Kaguyahime, a folk group. Makoto, a college student who belongs to a puppet theatre club, meets Michiko, who works at a printing factory, and they come to learn the bitterness and sadness of love. The two live humbly by the River Kanda, but are viewed coldly by people around them.

, , 84m
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Príbelská vzbúra Janka Kráľa

, 79m
Sluchaynyie passazhiryi

Truck driver Ivan Zhaplov was coming back from a trip in a hurry to his pregnant wife. On the way home, he stopped by a broken truck. Driver was missing, but there were kids from the orphanage with their teacher left in truck.

, 75m

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