The introductory film to the Slovene Ethnographic Museum's permanent exhibition offers a brief insight into important aspects of daily life of the past. It covers the migration of the Slavs onto the territory of the current Slovenia, their dwellings and farming methods, the appearance of castles and towns, peasant revolts, the formation of Slovene language. There are few archeological finds, frescoes or books bearing witness to this time, so the film also makes use of animations and reconstructions of farming and handicraft tasks.
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Never mind the polar bears, penguins and giraffes - in this film London Zoo's main attraction is an enterprising sparrow who feeds off the animals' leftovers. Nature and animals were recurring themes in Gaumont-British Instructional's films for children and the anthropomorphic jokes and whimsical commentary, in this case delivered in rhyming couplets, would have strengthened their appeal.
In a gym, a girl is pulling some pulleys, to gain arm strength, while three men and three girls watch a judo demonstration in the middle of the room. A girl wearing a sweater and shorts applies a succession of holds to a young man in a sleeveless undershirt and a black trunks: over the shoulder projection, arm lock, over the hip projection, sideways headlock and knee to the face, sacrifice fall followed by school-girl pin, kidney punching followed by a groin kick, sideways kick to the knee and arm-lock, eye-gouge and kick to the ribs, attack to both legs with arms and legs, arm-lock and tripping followed by a leg blow to the throat, disarming a knife attack from above, and then an up-thrust with the knife, disarming a revolver menace from the back, usage of a leather belt to strangle and throw an attacker, usage of hair holds for control and throw of the opponent, and KO punching. The man simulates different forms of attack and stands gamely every time - except the last.
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Pták, který koná vojenskou službu
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This short post-war film was made to inform people how to address a letter correctly.
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This short traces the cooperation between nations that resulted in the development of atomic weapons, and how they were used to end World War II. It also makes the case for cooperation between nations in order that the further development of nuclear weapons will not spiral out of control and endanger the safety of the world.
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Nevíme dne...
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A basic explanation of the purpose and process of menstruation, told largely with diagrams.
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La chenille de la carotte
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The carrot caterpillar hides among and feeds on the leafy foliage in carrot fields. A man demonstrates how difficult it is to detect and remove them from the carrot plants. They propel themselves with their six feet and twelve suction cups. To ward off enemies, they display two horns which secrete a malodorous liquid. Before the chrysalis stage of their development, they attach themselves to a surface and two days later burst from their shell. After spending the winter as a chrysalis, they emerge as swallowtail butterflies. Once they have bathed their wings in dew and dried off, they are ready to fly. (Library of Congress)
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Život zabité žáby
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Wie baue ich einen Molotow-Cocktail?
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Perception et l'expérience imaginative
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Ballet sur un thème paraphrénique
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Zajatý hlas
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An overview of the free healthcare available for children, and the environmental improvements that led to increased public well-being in Britain.
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'The Second Freedom' follows Jack Brown as he goes through life, and explores the various benefits he may receive as a result of National Insurance.
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Three overseas servicemen take a tour of the Royal Mile - visiting the sights between Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace, and learning about the sometimes gruesome history of Scotland.
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Secrets of Nature
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Part of the Junior Biology series, this study of pin mould is aided by diagrammatic, time-lapse, and microscopic footage.
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Life and industry in a Lincolnshire town.
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A British documentary about the coastal villages at war time.
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The film shows speeded-up germination of the seed to form roots and shoot, at whose base the leaves later form a bulb. The flower produces pollen grains (shown much magnified), which are transferred by insects to the stigmas for fertilization of seeds inside the ovary.
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A documentary on the English language and it's origins.
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A look at British glass manufacturing.
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A documentary on modern British farming.
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Para construir una casa
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Kinematographische Studien an Impatiens, Vicia, Tulipa, Mimosa
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A group of local youngsters are angry that the vacant lot where they used to play baseball has been placed off limits to them by the city. A neighbor shows them how to go through the proper channels to get the city government to help them resolve their problem to the satisfaction of all concerned.
Die neue Wohnung
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A commissioned film for Schweizerischer Werkbund (SWB), Die neue Wohnung was produced for the Basel architectural and interior design exhibition, WOBA, to demonstrate innovative aspects of modern architecture and highlight their differences from the event’s highly conservative approach. Despite its ad campaign roots, Richter's touch is not absent; The surviving version, aimed at a "bourgeois" Swiss public, presents decluttered, functional architecture and decor as superior to the traditional and luxurious "ancient" ways of living.
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Slyší tě nepřítel
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An experimental film from Jirí Lehovec, mixing the sound process with animated rhythms.
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Z fysiologie embrya plovatky
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White Afro employs an archival instructional video on how to offer curly perms or body waving services to their white clientele, ostensibly for financial gain.
The issue of popularity, specifically amongst the high school set, is dramatized. Updated from the original.
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A parody of educational programs. Just don't believe anything in the show is true.
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Neues Leben
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Anti-German propaganda short film made jointly by Poland and Britain during WWII.
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This anti-homosexual social "scare" short film focuses on the dangers of young boys talking to strangers.
Tak na to?
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A satirical agitprop piece on dieting. The protagonist is a man trying to slim down in various ways; his attempts are radical but inconsistent, and therefore doomed. In the end, he consults a dietician.
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Závada není na vašem přijímači
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The film tries to persuade young viewers that they should only watch TV after having completed their duties; it shows them (and their parents) what the world would look like if everyone watched TV instead of working.
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Made entirely from old classroom instructional films, Dangling Participle offers a wealth of practical advice on contemporary sexual hang-ups and where they come from.
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Learning to accept defeat with grace comes hard to a habitual winner.
Calábek autonomní
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Člověk pod vodou
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After the flying machines of "How Man Learned to Fly," this next popular science installment by Jiří Brdečka focuses on the history of submarines and deep sea exploration, denouncing the arms industry along the way, as the politics of the day required.
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Jak se člověk naučil létat
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An animated film about the emergence and development of aeronautics, about how man conquered the air.
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Ontstaan en Vergaan
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Documentary on the genesis of oil in the Earth's crust.
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Why does a housewife concerned for her family's welfare feed them so inadequately that she endangers their very lives? The film is a humorous and satirical attempt to remind the average housewife that it is not enough to be aware of modern food facts; they must also be applied in daily food purchasing and preparation. (NFB)
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Animated documentary short film demonstrating the reasons and methods of the point system of wartime food rationing.
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La Universidad en la Antártica
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Fáðu Já
A short documentary describing the borders between sex and sex against the others person will.
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Cheerfully-animated short music video, part of Melbourne's Metro Trains public service campaign that promotes rail safety, depicts various common and less common ways of getting killed as a lighthearted tongue-in-cheek song lists them.
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In true 1950's educational film style we watch as high school boy Johnny wrestles with a terrible secret. Johnny is a closeted-heterosexual. What will his dads do when they discover he's only pretending to be like everyone else.
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Sexuele voorlichting
This sex education film provides the expected information for youth entering puberty (see keywords), but does so in an explicit manner. There are no innocuous line drawings but rather abundant nudity.
In this educational docudrama, kids learn how to handle emergency situations.
Be Tartib ya Bedoun-e Tartib
A short film challenging humankind on universal themes of stability versus chaos.
This short cautionary training film examines dangers associated with earthmoving equipment operation, showing many simulated accidents on construction sites.
Educational film about solar energy, told with striking imagery and animation.
This film tells the story of Ronald, an intelligent boy who wants to become an architect or surveyor. His cousins Paul and Jane cannot believe that Ronald has any awareness of building sites. In Paul's imagination, he and his sister set Ronald in a number of typical sites, to see if he can survive the hazards that kill and maim many children each year. Ronald eventually learns the hard way that he did not know as much about building sites as he thought.
This British government public-information film is aimed at children and shows them the dangers of playing on railroad tracks.
The first part of this series by Norman McLaren deals only with tempo. It starts by showing the disc travelling in one move (1/24 of a second) from A to B, and progressively demonstrates slower and slower tempos.
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A boy's penchant for vandalism threatens the deer he loves.
Seven wayward juveniles (the "Green Bottles" of the title) spend their days truanting and thieving. One by one they are caught and made to face the consequences of the choices they have made.
Shocking fire safety 'filler' from the COI.
Presents the story of a fifteen-year-old girl who experiences her menstrual period, describing the reaction of the girl and her sixteen-year-old boyfriend as they learn more about the subject of menstruation.
While a mother busies herself with sewing, a clock counts down the last minute of her daughter’s life as we hear a chilling voiceover reminding us to keep watch over our children when they're near traffic.
Short animation dealing with the doubts young people have about venereal diseases.
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Jiminy Cricket explains the basics of safety around electricity, including lightning.
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An education short film by Disney in which health is shown as a three sided triangle: physical, mental, and social which is discussed in this film.
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Freiheit für die Liebe
Documentary, dramatized at times, on human sexual behaviour. Daring for its time for its approach to some of the most delicate aspects of this taboo subject.
Part cartoon and part documentary, this film offers a humorous look at birds and the ways people perceive them.
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Constructed from found and stock footage, Barbara’s Blindness is a meditation on vision and adversity, drawing humour and pathos from a moralising educational film.
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Donald Duck shows how to prevent fire in the home by using a bit of forethought and prevention.
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Bill sketches an animated person, Mr. Man, who takes us back through history to explain how people developed a need to communicate, and shows us devices that helped to do so.
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After a brief review of the problems described in Freewayphobia #1 (1965), we see a new range of problems. These include: abrupt breakdowns due to poor maintenance; unsecured loads; running out of gas. We learn how to handle breakdowns properly. We also learn about situations that can affect the driver, like fatigue, alcohol, turnpike trance, and the weather.
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Goofy demonstrates how not to drive on the freeway: first, the overly timid driver; then, the overly aggressive driver; and, finally the inattentive driver.
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This bicycle-safety film shows children what can happen when bicycles are driven carelessly and recklessly.
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Remember Lynn. You will see her again. The legendary Herk Harvey (CARNIVAL OF SOULS) knows how to bring fear to a small town. Fear, here, arrives with two initials: the letter "V" and the letter "D" (and I think we all know what that means). Unfortunately, Lynn falls for the wrong guy. Things go a bit too far after their date at the dance. What could happen? Enough, if you're not careful.
A training film showing police officers how to deal with persons who are mentally ill.