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An artistic love ode to the town of Santa Fe in the form of a day in the life of this western art community in its creative heyday. Scenes from a time when Santa Fe still had vestiges of the Old West.

, , , 29m

Likho odnoglazoe
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The plot is the embodiment of everyday belief about the impact of a certain evil force on a person. The action develops in a peasant environment.

, , , 38m

Proslava na vodici vo Bitola

A short film by the Manaki brothers that documents the celebration of Epiphany in Bitola.

, , 1m

Svadba vo Bitola

A short film by the Manaki brothers which documents a Wedding in Bitola.

, , 1m
Manifestacii: so grcki natpisi

A short film by the Manaki brothers which documents a celebration with slogans in Greek.

, , 1m

This revolutionary epic likens the push for industrialization of Soviet Ukraine with the battle for Perekop during the Civil War. A missing plow blade is presented as a symbol of the country's backward peasant economy that needs to be transformed in the course of the industrial construction. In an onslaught of rapidly changing images, Ukrainian village with its peasants suspicious of everything new, dramatically collides with the frenzy of working factories, plants, and mines.

, , 50m
Die Abenteuer des Herrn Antimarx
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, , 3m
Krunisanje Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica
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Belgradian parades and everyday street scenes.

, , 52m
Gospoda Skotininy

A comedy starring Nina Shaternikova, The Skotinins is loosely based on the 18th century play The Minor by Denis Fonvizin. In it, the upper class is shown as both depraved and stupid, engaging a variety of absurd, over-the-top follies.

, , , 60m
Il focolare domestico

Drama about a young man blinded by love.

, , 42m
Das Haus ohne Lachen

Orphan Enid White becomes the ward of a cruel man. She gets close to her guardian's wife and also to his son, who secretly comes to visit when his father is not around. One evening Enid is whipped by the patriarch, and hours later he is found dead. An investigation follows.

, , 67m
Conte cruel
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The escape of a man during the Spanish Inquisition.

, , 34m

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Two poor musicians rise from rags to riches. Money, fame and their love for the same woman begin to crumble their friendship, revealing the true natures of both men--one noble and kind, the other a greedy, ruthless beast.

, , 60m
Come fu che l'ingordigia rovinò il Natale a Cretinetti
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Spoiled little Cretinetti almost destroys Christmas....

, , 13m
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Two men, rescued from the elements at different times by a father and daughter who live in a remote spot in the forest, become bitter rivals for the girl's love and eventually agree to a river-race to decide the issue between them.

, , 21m
Moskva v oktyabre

October reflects a general attempt in Russia to sustain the frenzy and dynamism of revolutionary fervour. This attempt increased in scale and ambition as they pushed it further, resulting in the theatricalisation of life. In other words, the boundaries between real events and fabricated drama became blurred as the portrayal of life became more exaggerated. It is important to remember that the film does not represent what actually happened during the 1917 Revolution, but is rather an adaptation.

, , 70m
La cousine Bette

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A designer is in love with a model, who ends up creating her own fashion house, with the help of a millionaire who is also in love with her.

, , 84m
Grausige Nächte

The young Evelyne lives with a man, her fiancee Frank, with whom she has a child. But her fiancee is a rundown drunk constantly hanging over the bottle. Evelyne wants to leave Frank.

, , 83m

John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.

, , 55m

Just after Bob's fiancée breaks off their engagement, he meets young Mary, whose mother has just died, and the two of them comfort each other.

, , 46m
Izjashhnaja zhizn
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Fred, a young British sailor who accidentually finds himself in the USSR and after a number of comic adventures he, attracted by Soviet youth enthusiazm, goes to take part in Dneprostroy (building of Dnepr power station).

, , 64m

Seine Frau, die Unbekannte
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, , 77m
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Hrafnildur, also known as “Hadda Padda", and her sister Kristrun are spending the summer in scenic Breidabol with Hadda Padda’s fiancé, Ingolf. A pleasant time is had by all, until Kristrun and Ingolf can deny their love no longer and Ingolf breaks up with Hadda Padda. Deeply wounded, she plots her revenge. (

, , 83m
Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny

The epic story of the Russian Civil War (1918-21): the White Terror, the counterrevolutionary uprisings, the guerrilla war, the Kolchak front, the Wrangel front and the Kronstadt rebellion. Chaos and violence, devastation and death.

, , , 94m
Der Film im Film
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An educational film about the technological and artistic development of cinematography.

, , 19m
Seine gelehrte Frau. Das Problem der Ehe und der freien Liebe

The son of a factory owner, Freddie Wanninger falls in love with the medical student, Ada Haller. After their marriage, her career as a famous obstetrician takes off, leaving him feeling neglected. He begins an affair with Emmi, who becomes pregnant, and Ada must deliver the child.

, , 40m
Der Verächter des Todes

A restored 24-minute fragment survives of this Harry Piel adventure feature.

, , 24m

Eugenie, a young girl with a delicate temperament, runs away from the sordid cabaret run by her mother. Helped by a providential coincidence, she became a model in a fashion house on the Champs-Élysées.

, , 32m
Der Fall Rosentopf

Directed by Ernst Lubitsch.

, , 30m

A young farmer's daughter is used and abused by the men in her life.

, , , 70m
Le gardien de phare

The lighthouse keeper has an attack while cleaning the light. He makes his unsteady way down to the living quarters and collapses. While his wife tends him, their children turn the lights that guide ships through saf passage by hand.

, , 10m
Na domacem vrtu

In the garden in front of the house, the children Draga, Bozena and Vladimir play alone. In the second frame, their mother Matilda joins them, they move closer and further away from the camera in the game.

, , 2m
Sejem v Ljutomeru

Scenes from a market fair at Ljutomer.

, , 1m
Odhod z mase v Ljutomeru

It shows local people leaving the church after the Sunday mass in Ljutomer.

, , 1m
Kříž u potoka

The cross at the stream is a tragic place for the Potocký family. Beneath it, Joza, disappointed in her love for Mikeš Potocký and married against her will to his brother Franík, plunges a knife into her heart and lays a curse on the name Potocký. Under the cross at the stream many years later, a fratricide takes place when two rival brothers fight for the love of one woman. However, the cross is also the place where Štěpán meets Eva, the foster daughter of Dolanský the miller. She falls in love with Štěpán and sets her heart on breaking the curse laid by the great grandmother of the family. She succeeds in doing so thanks to the strength and devotion of her love which overcomes her husband's estrangement, his infidelities and brutality.

, , 35m
Roztržené foto
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Four weary old bachelors are driving back from a party. They fall asleep on the divan and they dream that fairies are dancing around them — a symbol of nuptials. In the morning, however, they swear that they will never marry. Hardly a year goes by and one of them, engineer Hanč, breaks his promise. He gets an invitation to another bachelors' party and he tries to hide it from his wife Běla...

, , 27m

Children dig for clams on the beach

, , 1m

While their mother is away from home, Billy and his sister are set upon by marauding Indians, who trap them in their cabin. Billy rigs a keg of gunpowder and tricks the Indians into entering the cabin, while he and his sister escape.

, , 17m

, , 7m

Sev tevi tak

The young front-line soldier Ando, who has just returned from World War I to his native village, inspires his villagers to fight against "class enemies."

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, , 74m
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A jeremiad against intemperance, jazz music, and abortion, set on a train filled with unrepentant sinners hurtling toward damnation.

, , 50m

Carmen, a poor and beautiful woman, lives in a shantytown in Rio de Janeiro. All men desire her, including her stepfather, but she only has eyes for her boyfriend, Milton. After being expelled from home, she finds out her lover is married. Unhappy with her life, she finds a place in a boarding house and tries to find a job, with no success. Tired and starving, she ends up passing out in the street, being helped by a passer-by, who leaves her at writer Flávio Martins's house, a man torn between the proposal of an arranged marriage, an old flame, and the new guest.

, , 70m
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Julian loves his cousin and foster sister Camilla, who is wooed and won by Lionel, his friend and rival. He is a witness to their marriage and after the ceremony he departs heartbroken to his own house. Utopian was the existence of Lionel and Camilla, until some time later Camilla is seized with a serious illness, and Lionel's grief knew no bounds when he heard "That low knell tolling his lady dead." "She had lain three days without a pulse all that look'd on her had pronounced her dead, So they bore her, for in Julian's land they never nail a dumb head up in elm, bore her free-faced to the free airs of heaven, and laid her in the vault of her own kin." Julian learns of the death of Camilla, and hastens to the house, arriving in time to see the funeral cortège moving slowly towards the sepulcher. Following in its wake he exclaims, "Now, now, will 1 go down into the grave; I will be all alone with all I love."

, , 17m
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Oversized characters populate this drama about a jealous fisherman who kidnaps a local girl when she falls in love with a travelling artist. A lifeboat team - arguably the real heroes of the hour - is corralled in attempt to make the rescue.

, , , 13m

Der Heimat Schützengraben

, , 7m
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This daft comedy pits the popular character Pimple (Fred Evans) against his cousin in a fight to secure an inheritance from an insane uncle (played by Fred's brother Joe). A suspicious letter contains some dubious advice on how Pimple should treat his uncle's insanity - including singing to him and playing practical jokes - with predictable but funny results.

, , 14m

A doll fetches a nurse when children elope.

, 6m

A mix of spectacle, animation and dance, the film reveals an early delight in the potential for creative fun with film form. Its director, Walter R. Booth had been described as making British films which attempted to out-Méliès Méliès.

, , 3m
Wenn Völker streiten

Propaganda film released in 1915.

, , 40m

It is windy at a bathing resort. After fighting with one of the two husbands, Charlie approaches Edna while the two husbands themselves fight over ice cream. Driven away by her husband, Charlie turns to the other's wife.

, , 20m

A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed by the captain and promises to help him shanghai some seamen. The daughter stows away to follow Charlie. Charlie assists in the galley and attempts to serve food during a gale.

, , 27m

When one of the actors on a movie set doesn't show up, Charlie gets his chance to be on camera and replaces the actor. While waiting, he plays in a dice game and gets on many people's nerves. When he finally gets to act, he ruins his scene, accidentally destroys the set, and tears the skirt of the star of the movie.

, , 31m
Die Freuden der Reserveübung
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Mr Pipe is called into service for repetition. His fiancée is jealous and dresses up as soldier and goes with him without him noticing.

, , 25m

At a party, Frede meets the popular actress Edith, with whom he falls head over heels in love. One day, he’s in the theatre to see her perform, he overhears a conversation which shows her in a new and bad light. Frede chooses to travel away, and he doesn’t see Edith until many years later, when she comes on an unannounced visit. (

, , 12m
La figlia del mare

, , 68m

An unknown Menichelli, a young and lively beauty, is desired by two stars of the Italian scene: Ruggero Ruggeri and Amleto Novelli. This breezy story based on an comedy unreleased in Italy at that time is built around Ruggeri, who plays the role of a playboy father who wants to turn into the family delights rejoining his son until then neglected. Novelli, a little uncomfortable in a role that would have required ten years less, is the good-hearted rustic son. Pina Menichelli, adorned with flowers, wanders about on her bicycle, between not only two men, but also two lifestyles. In this role, she shows off a naturalness that will surprise people who know her only for her decadent performances. Sometimes, though, a dark glimpse reveals the character of the actress, that will stand out in the imagination of the public.

, , , 30m
Monsieur Beulemeester, garde civique
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Commissioned by Pathé Frères, Alfred Machin shoots several local stories in Belgium, in a typically Belgian setting. Machin produces not only historical dramas, but also some comedies mainly portraying the Brussels "zwanze", the typical humour of the city's inhabitants, which is characterised by a finely-balanced mix of self-deprecation and exaggeration. In doing so he made his films accessible and recognizable to his audience. Mr Beulemeester, notorious member of the local militia and very possessive when it comes to his daughter, is in this film fooled by charmer and suitor Van Soest.

, , 14m

A silent romantic film about the battle between two fur trappers for the hand of a lovely girl.

, , 15m
Khuti tsuti
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Also known as Five Minutes.

, , 44m
Kaloshi 18
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The clerk Kulikov, whose shoes are worn out, needs galoshes. The Adventures of Kulikov, hurrying to work in oversized galoshes, constitute the content of the film.

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, , 35m
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Little dog Kashtanka is stolen, sold, tossed out into the street and saved by a clown. Young Fedyushka gets lost looking for the dog and ends up a prisoner of the sinister Mazamet who compels him to rob from house to house to make money, while Fedyushka’s father wanders through the streets in search of his lost child.

, , 73m

Pechorin is deprived of the officer’s rank and gets transferred to one of the mountain villages of the Caucasus. He gets bored of the everyday life and starts looking for fun. He promises Azamat to help him steal Kazbich’s horse if the former allows Pechorin to marry his sister Bela. Soon Pechorin gets annoyed by Bela’s presence. Kazbich, insulted by the theft of his horse kills Bela. Coldblooded Pechorin is hardly moved by this news.

, , , , 83m

A traitor to blame for the death of members of a Bolshevik underground organization is finally revealed.

, , 67m

Crime drama about the rivalry over a new invention and a nice girl.

, , 50m

A Native American warrior travels to a faraway tribe to find and defend a woman that haunts his dreams.

, , 20m
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A mysterious evildoer terrifies the French Riviera. That mysterious character, which is hidden under the personality of James Pearce, a diamond-maker, calls himself The Black X. This time, the Black X has noticed the rich jewels of a celebrated singer and, in the company of her henchmen, is preparing to carry out the great robbery.

, , 40m

A thug accosts a girl as she leaves her workplace but a man rescues her. The thug vows revenge and, with the help of two friends, attacks the girl and her rescuer again as they're going for a walk. This time they succeed in kidnapping the rescuer. The girl runs home and gets help from several neighbors. They track the ruffians down to a cabin in the mountains where the gang has trapped their victim and set the cabin on fire.

, , 10m

Auction of Souls
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Arshaluys Aurora Mardiganian plays herself as a survivor of the Armenian Genocide. Based on her published memoirs, it is thought to be the first film made about genocide.

, , 24m
Schastlivyy finish

A team of welders is actively preparing for international sports. Marko considers himself incapable of sports and shies away from training. But acquaintance with active gymnast Anya changes his attitude to sports. He devotes all his free time to training and is the first to come to the finish line at the running championship. He is sent to international competitions in Moscow. He is happy - Anya escorts him.

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, , 68m
Die ersten Tage
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In this end-of-the-life scenario, a group of adolescents and scattered loners move through a destroyed landscape. One of the leaders is poisoned by his girlfriend, who now takes his place and demonstrates her power to a newcomer. However, he in turn passes the test of courage, puts himself in the place of the head of the group and leads the ever-growing community into an uncertain future.

, , , , 82m

This adaptation of a classic poem by H. Tumanyan tells the story of the tragic love of Anush and Saro.

, , , , 67m
El retorno

A wealthy young man from the country comes to San Jose (the capital of the country) to study law. In the city he makes new friends and gets in trouble, so he comes back (retorna, in Spanish) to his town, with his girlfriend and his family.

, , 79m

A squadron of American warplanes, armed with gas developed by Corsican chemist Gannimer Fies to Leningrad. American workers inform Soviet comrades about the impending catastrophe. But the air attack on the city has already begun, and the assault troops of the enemy capture one suburb of the city after the other.

, , 49m

Hjalmar leads a double life; during the day, he is a clerk at his father’s bank while at night, he leads a notorious gang known as “Heldet” (Fortune). The purpose is to pay for his prodigious womanising and gambling. When “Heldet” knocks over his own bank, Hjalmar distracts the guard while the rest of the gang cleans out the vault, then he calls the police to allay any suspicion. But master detective Gorki is on the case, and Hjalmar might not have been as careful as he thinks.

, , 28m
Les papillons japonais
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This early silent era film was released in France circa 1908 by Segundo de Chomón. It is partially hand coloured and shows several Japanese characters and eventually a worm change into a butterfly which while flapping it's wings changes colours as it flies.

, 4m
Paysages du silence
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A team of divers explores undersea animal and plant life and revels in the majesty of the underwater world.

, , 11m
Fra fyrste til knejpevært
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A past lover ignites a fiery gambling addiction within the reckless Prince Spinarosa. The old lover, Asta Leonhard, ensures that the prince acquires a royal gambling debt. Princess Spinarosa is a famous dancer in her own right and graciously offers her husband a piece of jewellery to cover his debt. One day she sees Asta wearing that very same piece of jewellery. Shattered by humiliation, the Princess realises that she must walk away from the prince and everything she knows.

, , 56m

First film adaptation of the chapter “Bela” from Mikhail Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time. It tells the story of a romantic but cynical army officer, Pechorin (played by Gromov himself) who, while on duty in the Caucasus, falls for a beautiful Circassian maiden (Bela) and, through bribing her brother, is able to overcome her shyness and make her his mistress. He soon tires of her and neglects her. Meanwhile a horse stolen by Pechorin from a brigand - the main bribe to the brother in the book - leads to her being kidnapped by the vengeful outlaw. Pechorin and the brother go in pursuit.....

, , , 22m

A black and white silent short film, set on the Greek Cycladic island of Tenos. A woman in black is mourning inside a simple house. Reality blends with dreamy imagination, and tradition with insidious desires.

, , 30m
Den nærsynede guvernante
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, , 4m
Heksen og cyklisten
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A mischievous witch uses her dark magic on an innocent cyclist until he is all confused. He is forced to pedal backwards and at the same time, his bike changes shape anytime the witch wants it to. (

, , 3m
Anarkistens svigermor
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The Anarchist's Mother-in-Law premiered on October 23, 1906. It featured director Viggo Larsen as the anarchist and Margrethe Jespersen as his wife. The movie is about a mother-in-law disturbing the house peace.

, , 4m

, , , 90m


Directed by Étienne-Jules Marey, a French scientist, this is believed to be the first cat ever filmed in cinematic history. Jules Marey created the chronophotographic gun in 1882, a device which looked like a short barrelled shotgun with a magazine on top. It was capable of taking twelve consecutive frames a second. He used this to study various animals, the most famous study in what was called Marey’s ‘animated zoo’, was the one involving a cat which was dropped from a height of a few feet in order to see if it always landed on its feet.

, 1m
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, , 22m

, , 2m
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, , 4m
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The eccentric Tom Nigel strolls through Copenhagen. Psychedelic dreams and grotesque coincidences propel him from one insane situation to the next. Via a personal ad he never submitted, he meets a mysterious woman with giant teeth and cannot get rid of her again. She chases him through the city while he tries to ingratiate himself with a beautiful woman who keeps crossing his path. At a café, he overhears a conversation about a cocaine temple and promptly sets out to find it.

, , 18m

Tariel mklavadzis mkvlelobis saqme
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Schoolteacher Spiridon and his pretty wife Despine are taking a room in a small inn. Tariel Mklavadze, a local nobleman and debauchee falls for a beauty of Despine. He and his friends terrify young couple trying to get Despine.

, , , 70m

Kanimanji engi
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An early silhouette animated film by Hidehiko Okuda, Hakusan Kimura and Tomu Uchida. The original story is a Buddhist tale of a young lady who saved a crab (a spiritual being according to Japanese Buddhist faith) from being eaten, and was later saved from danger by the same crab.

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, , 11m

Peripeteiai tou Villar
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The oldest Greek feature film to be saved, starring a burlesque comedian Sfakianos (or Villar), who had trained in France. Villar gets a job at a dry cleaner’s and wanders through Athens. He makes one gaffe after the other and gets involved in various adventures.

, , , 24m


In 16 X, the camera’s gaze is fixed directly upward. This is the reverse of the classic Rodchenko aerial photographs of the 1920’s. Here the Kopystianskys’ camera follows the route of the overhead Moscow tramlines on their way to some unknown destination. The result of this film, based on a mundane event, is a delicately moving drawing. It is difficult not to be reminded of early 20th century Suprematism.

, , 6m
O magos tis Athinas
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A musician-magician of noble heritage wins the hearts of women. When his darling leaves him for a rich man, he does everything in his power to win her back.

, , , 48m


, , 23m

Samanishvilis dedinatsvali
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, , 40m
Fra Piazza del Popolo
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The year is 1820 and a young, promising artist, Olaf Malm, has settled in Rome, Europe’s centre of art at the time. He is in love with Sigrid, but class differences make their love impossible. Olaf Malm dies in a tragic accident; he allegedly drowns in the Tiber, but his body is never found. Sigrid gives birth to their lovechild, and twenty years later history repeats itself: their son, Henry, who has never known his real parents, loves a woman who is far above him in social rank. Fate brings him back to Rome, where his parents loved and lost each other many years before. (

, , , 107m

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, , 22m
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Ninon, a veteran stage artist, resides in her villa in Provence, surrounded by admirers as veteran or more than her. A film crew arrives at the gardens of the town to film some scenes in that beautiful spot. The director and screenwriter of the team will notice the charms of Ninon.

, , 55m

A young woman is killed after falling off her horse. Fate then shows the grief-stricken father what his daughter's life would have been like had she lived, but it is not how he had hoped.

, , 60m
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