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Peripeteiai tou Villar
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The oldest Greek feature film to be saved, starring a burlesque comedian Sfakianos (or Villar), who had trained in France. Villar gets a job at a dry cleaner’s and wanders through Athens. He makes one gaffe after the other and gets involved in various adventures.

, , , 24m


, , 1m

A Criterion compilation of "six gems that feature the comic genius at his peak: The Golf Specialist, Pool Sharks (silent), The Pharmacist, The Fatal Glass of Beer, The Barber Shop, and, of course, the notorious The Dentist." Pool Sharks is his first film ever, released in 1915; the rest are all five of Fields’ talking shorts, released from 1930 to 1933.

, , 117m

The scary and silly goings-on at a mad scientist vampire's home/lab.

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Two drunks fight with their wives and then go out and get even drunker.

, , 16m

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A performance of the band The Alberts. One of several films made especially for deaf children by adult film maker George Harrison Marks.

, , 5m

J. Effingham Bellweather plays golf despite many slapstick setbacks.

, 20m
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Outrageous animation by Greek animator Jordan Ananiades.

, , 11m

Zahos o mazohas

, , 7m

I trypa
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, , 7m


A tragicomedy full of slapstick and vignettes, and even an unexpected shootout. A family of villagers moves up in the world - to the county seat. Dad works as a butcher at a meatpacking plant, mom is a checker at a supermarket. The daughter is at odds with her homeroom teacher, while the son - a vegetarian, anarchist, and avid pothead - is apprenticing as a butcher to please his father. The kid's in hot water with both his forewoman and the police. But dad isn't much of an example, letting himself be tempted by the charms of a lovely young butcher. However much mom tries - visiting the beauty parlor, her psychologist, or even the confessional - her husband shows his interest by moving out. Mom plots revenge. And somehow an imp gets mixed up in it all

, , 90m

Medieval crusaders from the 13th century are captured by aliens. However, this can not stop them to conquer the Holy Land.

, , 100m

Nigerian Ola has a passion for English history, but her vision of England and the English gets a new perspective when she gets a casual job at the Tower of London, leaving her disillusioned.

, 24m

De illusionist

Two brothers end up separated for one of them has mental issues. Meanwhile one of the two follows his dream in becoming a magician.

, 90m

A Union army outfit of misfits and rejects is sent to the Western territory. Southern spies try to figure out what they're up to.

, , , , 100m

Phileas Fogg III, great grandson of the original Phileas Fogg, accepts a bet to duplicate his great grandfather's famous trip around the world in response to a challenge made by Randolph Stuart III, the descendant of the original Fogg's nemesis. Unbeknownst to anyone, However, "Stuart" is the infamous con man Vicker Cavendish who made the bet in order to cover up his robbing the bank of England by framing Fogg for the crime. This makes for a dangerous journey for Fogg and his servants (the stooges) and Amelia Carter, whom they rescue from thugs during a train ride. Can they make it back to England in time ?

, , 94m

There is no plot as such. This is a slapstick comedy. It shows a lots of gags.

, 11m

Jubilej gospodina Ikla

A man wakes up in his grave and realizes that he's been buried alive. He gets up and arrives home only to find out that his wife and relatives throw up a party instead of function, looking forward to his big inheritance.

, 77m

Two brothers are ordered by their parents to go to Paris to study art. Having other interests, they pay two house painters to go in their place. When the impostors win an art contest, they are exposed by an unexpected visitor.

, 21m

Les affaires publiques

A slapstick comedy centered on two neighboring republics, Crogandia and Miremia, and the various disasters that befall the ceremonial unveiling of a statue, the launching of a ship, and the crash-landing of a Miremian pilot in Crogandian territory.

, 25m

Harry is a hobo, one step ahead of the law. After accidentally foiling a purse snatcher, he cadges a ride on a flatbed truck, is knocked out when a wax figure falls on him during the ride, and is carried into a museum by someone thinking he's another manikin. Inside, it takes him a while to figure out that he's among dummies. Then, two enterprising jewel thieves arrive to steal the museum director's priceless ruby. Cops are on hand as well: when the ruby goes missing, Harry may be the perfect fall guy. Can Harry stay away from the cops, foil the theft, and behave heroically in front of the museum director's daughter, the same woman whose purse he saved that morning?

, 20m

Slapstick comics Willie West and McGinty cause havoc at a construction site as they attempt to "work."

, 10m

Stable hands Stan and Ollie are tending a thoroughbred named "Blue Boy." But when they overhear two men talking about a $5000 reward for the return of the stolen "Blue Boy," they miss the part about it being the painting, not the horse. They take the horse to the owner's house to claim the reward. The owner instructs them to put "Blue Boy" on the piano and Ollie explains, "these millionaires are peculiar."

, , 20m

While changing clothes in a getaway car, escaped convicts Stan and Ollie mistakenly put on each other's pants. They spend the rest of the film trying to exchange pants in various unlikely settings.

, , 20m

Taking the train to a show in Pottsville, musicians Stanley and Oliver run into trouble once settled in their sleeping car berth.

, , 19m

Laurel and Hardy are debt collectors trying to repossess a console radio.

, , 20m

Stanley and Oliver are adopted by a runaway goat, whose noise and aroma in turn get the goat of their suspicious landlord. Attempts to bathe the smelly animal result in a waterlogged free-for-all.

, , 21m

Princess Lola has been exiled from her native Pelicania after one of her relatives usurped the throne. She is now the celebrated prima donna of the Revue Theatre, arousing rapturous applause from audiences night after night. However, the princess has her most devoted admirers behind the scenes. The young theatre doctor Ove Helmer loves her, and our two old friends, Pat and Patachon – one now a prompter at the theatre, the other a make-up artist – regard her with the warmest affection. When the princess finally gets the opportunity to return to her native Pelicania, Pat and Patachon are eager to come along to help her assert her position. As things progress, Patachon's striking resemblance to the country’s king has unexpected consequences. (

, , 24m

The effete son of a cantankerous riverboat captain comes to join his father's crew.

, , 70m

Handymen (Laurel & Hardy) deliver a cumbersome washing machine to a house fronted by a huge flight of stairs.

, , 20m

Fight manager takes out an insurance policy on his puny pugilist and then proceeds to try to arrange for an accident so that he can collect.

, , 19m

A young woman is taken to a fancy nightclub by her uncle, but is stuck with the bill when the stingy uncle gets into an argument with a waiter and leaves without paying. While working off the debt, she recommends some friends of hers as an act for the club. Her friends are hired, but their performance does not go over very well, and soon the whole club is in an uproar.

, , 23m

A young man faces perilous adventures when he is evicted from his apartment.

, , 15m

Percy Nudge (Australian-born Billy Bevan) and Dusty Duncan (Scotsman Andy Clyde) are two hoboes playing “hooky from the hoosegow” (that's "jail" to you and me). Desperate for some chow, they opt to impersonate a police officer and a baby, two types of diners most likely to get offered freebies. When that fails, they go to the food-chain source, posing as a cow. Yet more misadventures ensue before the duo finds itself chased by a latterday edition of producer Mack Sennett's Keystone Kops. Director Del Lord was a former Keystone Kop who helmed many of the Three Stooges' most beloved comedies.

, , 20m

Henpecked husband Harry is coerced by a good time pal to go on a clandestine double date. Of course, no good will come of this, as they encounter streetwalkers, bumpy roads, and a couple of toughs previously jilted by their dates.

, , 30m

The Liars Club is holding their contest to see who can tell the most unbelievable story, with a gold medallion waiting to be awarded to the winner. Disappointed with the other members' bland efforts, one member brings in Charley Bowers, who has an extraordinary tale to tell. Charley claims to have invented a magic potion that enables him to grow absolutely anything by a simple grafting process, and he proceeds to tell his story to the club.

, , 20m

Two circus hands create chaos.

, , 20m

A Scottish immigrant on board ship becomes a pawn in a jewel heist aboard the S.S. Cognac, a three-star liner. Blackie Dawson, the uncrowned king of jewel thieves, and his accomplice Pearl Blackstone, have stolen a huge ruby. A detective is searching every cabin, so Blackie forces our young Scot to swallow the gem and, under threat of being shot, to stay mum. The detective is assisted by Flora Danube, a blue-eyed Bulgarian daisy who keeps those eyes open. To escape death, the young Scot disguises himself as a woman, but that draws a lot of attention; when his disguise is discovered, he must climb for his life. Is a European union in the offing?

, , 19m

A train known as the Iron Mule is loaded with passengers, and starts off on its trip. Along the way, the train faces numerous obstacles and delays. The engineer is prepared for most of them, but the real challenges come when the train is ambushed by Indians.

, , 13m

In Highland Park, it's Agnes Fisher and Harold Hope's wedding day. Mishaps almost keep them from getting hitched: he goes to the wrong church, then, one of the guests, Professor McGlumm, convinces him that the bride only wants him to collect his life insurance. Finally they marry and her family moves in with them. Harold is now convinced that he'll be poisoned at dinner. When further mishaps give him stomach problems, McGlumm rushes him toward the hospital. On the trip, all is revealed.

, , 21m

Mortimer grabs an opportunity to take a truck driving job; Matthew intends to hang onto it.

, , 14m

It's raining heavily, but at first the young husband and wife are not concerned about it. But the husband gets soaked on the way home from work, and then finds that the butler has left all of his suits hanging outside in the rain. Next, when some friends come to visit, they find that their troubles with water are just beginning.

, , 11m

Cyclone Bill is the popular sheriff of Mustang Gulch, where "a gun in the hand is worth two on the hip." Bill keeps the town free of criminals, and is also in love with the mayor's daughter. But when Yukon Jake brings his gang to town, causing trouble and kidnapping Bill's girl, it looks as if Bill might have more trouble than he can handle.

, , 20m

As both the local photographer and the sheriff, Harry must track down an arsonist and deal with his un-photogenic in-laws.

, , 10m

Two rival auto repair shops compete in a no-holds-barred 250-mile road race.

, , 16m

Harry runs into his old Marine sergeant and is reminded of the rivalry they had for a girl while they were stationed in France.

, , , 19m

The story of the first Thanksgiving is re-imagined as a father tells it to his son.

, , 19m

Buster and his family go on a voyage on his homemade boat that proves to be one disaster after another.

, , 26m

Max is determined to woo Mary, despite her Aunt Agatha's disapproval.

, , 55m

Horace Radish wants a drink, but Prohibition is in force. When all his other schemes fail, he heads to the Bootlegger's Haven Hotel with high hopes. But waiting at the hotel is the tough lawman William Allways Tryan, who is ready to toss in jail anyone found with even a drop of liquor.

, , 12m

Roscoe and Buster operate a combination garage and fire station. In the first half they destroy a car left for them to clean. In the second half they go off on a false alarm and return to find their own building on fire.

, , 25m

Ann is one tough cowgirl. After she beats up Hank, her parents send her East to college, hoping she'll come back a lady.

, , , 21m

Aspiring detective Lizzie goes to Chinatown to track down some stolen papers, not realizing she's had them in her pocket all along.

, , 21m

Big Ben has the largest store in the town of New Ralgia. His chief clerk is in love with the post mistress. The three of them get involved in a series of mishaps with their customers and with the town ladies' man, whose advances conceal a more sinister purpose.

, , 27m
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An American, separated from his troop, protects a helpless Russian girl from marauding Bolsheviks.

, , 10m

A flirtatious hotel orchestra leader provokes conflict.

, , 23m

A tramp enters a cabaret and orders a drink, but then is thrown out when he cannot pay for it. After trying again, he is told by the manager that if he wants to avoid being charged and sent to jail, he will have to work.

, , 24m
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Rather than telling his parents, who have another girl picked out for him, Bob brings home his new wife disguised as his friend "Steve."

, , 13m

After a luckless prospecting trip, Billy starts homeward across the desert, mounted on his little burro with his pick, shovel and pack strapped up behind him. Finally he comes in sight of Red Dog Gulch and, hungry and thirsty, he pushes on toward the city. Susie is the daughter of the town drunkard. She starts out on her horse for a little ride, and a little way from town is attacked by Pedro and Little Casino, two Mexicans, who try to steal her horse. Billy happens along, runs the Mexicans off and takes Susie back to town.

, , , 14m

När Kapten Grogg skulle porträtteras
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A short film in which an animator must subdue his escaped creation.

, , , 7m

Roscoe is a doctor who falls in love with a pretty woman whose boyfriend, in turn, falls in love with Roscoe's wife's jewelry.

, , 23m

Gloria Dawn lives down the hall from her sweetheart, Bobbie Knight. The dishonest Henry Black is Gloria's guardian, and he is also in charge of Bobbie's inheritance. The scheming guardian and his sister have been spending Bobbie's money, and they hope to have the sister marry Bobbie so that they can keep control over his money.

, , 18m

When his uncle arrives for a visit, Plump has to find a wife and baby in a hurry. With the help of his friend, Runt, soon there are wives and babies everywhere.

, , 16m

A lovable scoundrel is busted for gambling and thrown into jail, where he dreams of playing poker - but even in his dreams, he loses.

, , 22m

The star of a film attends a public showing.

, , 24m

Villains launch Fatty and Mabel's beachfront house into the ocean.

, , 34m

Two rivals for Mabel's hand play a series of dirty tricks on each other. Finally, one of them gets Mabel alone and is about to marry her, but his rival comes up with a strange scheme to stop them. Soon the Keystone Kops arrive on the scene, and chaos quickly ensues.

, , 11m

Long after jilting his girlfriend, Mabel the kitchen maid, Mack is startled to see her onscreen at the local cinema.

, , 14m

When Mabel Normand romantically rejects a villain, he ties her to the railroad tracks, leaving her bashful suitor to appeal to famous racecar driver Barney Oldfield for help.

, , 13m

Wife plots to cure her husband of his inveterate poker playing.

, , 13m

Alkali Ike and Mustang Pete are both wooing the same woman. Ike hopes to take her for a horseback ride, but she chooses instead to go with Pete, who has a horse and carriage. Ike trades his horses for an automobile, hoping to win her over that way, but things do not work out as planned.

, , 11m

Mr. Flip flirts with every woman he sees, and ends up with a pie, shaving cream, and seltzer in his face.

, , 4m
Little Tich et ses 'Big Boots'

"This funny individual will make you laugh until your sides ache. He is funny in all his actions, yet when he puts on his shoes you can imagine the noise he can make when he dances an ordinary clog. The shoes referred to are made of some elastic material which enables Little Tich to bow almost to the floor without bending his legs, the spring in the shoes carrying him down and up again. He places his hat on the floor and, leaning over on the toes of his wonderful shoes, dips his head into the hat and comes up without having to move from the spot or to bend his legs. He is a comical looking sight at best, being made up to suit the part, and he will make you laugh whether you want to or not."

, , 2m

Tom Whisky ou L'illusioniste toqué

A man attempts to sit on a stool, only to find a woman has magically appear to steal his place. This happens again and again. Soon, more amazing transformations occur.

, , 1m
Le rêve du radjah ou La forêt enchantée
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The picture opens with the Sultan lying down to rest on his luxurious cushioned couch. The scene changes to the grounds around the palace.

, , 2m

Le réveil d'un monsieur pressé

A man misses his train due to his clothes turning into other types of clothes.

, , 1m

The pursuit of Hop Lee by an irate policeman.

, , 1m

Bookmaker struggles with police and is arrested.

, , , 1m
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