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Mother Nature and human emotions are placed in this melding of myth and aesthetic enigma in Kumar Shahani's short film of 25 minutes starring Mita Vashisht, created as a diploma submission for the Film and Television Institute of India(FTII) by editor and film's co-star Nandini Bedi.

, , 26m
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Based on The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Mazzetti’s debut film dispenses with all artifices to portray the original allegory (a man who turns into an insect), instead focussing on the alienation produced by society’s rigid expectations, which are here internalised and invisible. On learning that the short film had been shot with material stolen from the Slade School of Fine Art (London), the rector of the department decided that its reception by an audience of teachers and students would determine whether or not Mazzetti should be expelled. Thankfully, the film received immediate praise from those present.

, , , 29m

Absurdo žmonės
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Film is about man‘s "dick-based" thinking which leads to a primitive and desolate existence. But sooner or later even in the most impassible creature a feeling awakes.

, , 14m
Až zapadne slunce
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Tereza is a sculptor and her husband Adam is a film director. She suffocates in the relationship and can't concentrate on her job. Things change when Mikey, Adam’s brother, shows up.

, , 28m


, , 19m
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From the depths of the sea is born Adam, a young man who searches the world for the place to which he belongs. Walking along the beach, he meets another child like him and they become friends. As an adult, the child becomes a man who tries to find the woman, his counterpart. Harassed by the beings of the world, he sees it through dreams and this helps him to recover from his evil.

, , 28m

Cuando Alguien Muestra La Luna, Los Imbéciles Miran El Dedo
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, , , 8m

Aquí se construye
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While a group of workers demolish a building in the Providencia district, the director of the documentary talks with a stucco worker, accompanying him to his house. The dialogue, which begins with an inquiry into his trade, reveals the frustration of the worker, whose meager salary prevents him from paying the money required to obtain the title deeds to his own house.

, , 6m
Under Construction

, , 6m
Under Construction
Krajina popela
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, , 5m
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, , 5m

The process of being encroached by the persona.

, , 6m
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A white bisexual vampire, Lillia, is trapped in a monotonous cycle with her thoughtless, misogynist vampire partner, Luke (who, while also being a bisexual, prefers to devour women prey). Her encounter with Black lesbian Zena, who is reading about goddesses across religions and cultures and thinking about the horror film genre, pulls Lillia out of a state of bad faith into an enlightened state of knowledge and play. 'The Mark of Lilith' was the graduation film of Bruna Fionda, Polly Gladwin, Zach Mack-Nataf’s from The London College of Printing, under the tutorship of Laura Mulvey. The film was shot in Brixton and made with a cast and crew of local filmmakers, artists and activists. The Mark of Lilith was digitally restored from the 16mm print by the BFI in 2021.

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, , 32m

Le 15 Mai

A couple wakes up one sunny morning on the 15th of May. Apparently, they had the same nightmare and the day unfolds strangely. The next day, we are still on the 15th of May. Graduation work from La Fémis.

, 30m

, , 5m

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, , 10m
Pomni koní
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, , 10m

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, , 8m
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, , , 6m

, , , 24m
Ahoj Babu

, , 35m
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, 10m
Třináct minut
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, , 10m
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an animated short about the news, entertainment and apathy

, , 3m

When 8 year old Kati from Afghanistan stows away in her father's truck, Faruk must juggle his responsibilities as a single dad while holding down his first job in a new country.

, , 13m
Ramóna má návštěvu
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, 10m

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We all age, but is it truly inevitable? Findings in a wide range of scientific disciplines bring new perspectives to human longevity.

, , 23m
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, , 28m
, , 13m
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, , 12m

, , 13m
Hlavy a nohy

, , 12m

Nikola is about to join his girlfriend at her father’s house for a summer holiday, but after wearing makeup for the very first time, he begins a startling and life-changing process of self-discovery.

, , 22m
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, , 40m
Ajznboňák F 30.2
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, , 13m
Života proud
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, , 21m
, , 5m

Krátký film o tělesnosti
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, , 9m
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, , 6m
Jsme si o smrt blíž
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A tender story about finding love even amid utter decay.

, , 11m
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, , 9m

, , 3m
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, , 6m
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, , , 35m

Ve tvém tepu

, , 7m
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, , 17m
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, , 15m
Život na vodě
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, , 6m
Mašťácká opera
, , 5m
Anatomie českého odpoledne
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The disappearance of two boys at a lake, during a scorching summer afternoon, forces us to question who we really are in the face of our own humanity.

, , 22m
Zesílené ticho
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, , 23m
Jsme epicentry zemětřesení
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, , 41m

, , , 4m
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, , 7m
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, 11m
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, , 2m


, , 2m

This early short by Jaromil Jireš anticipates the formal and stylistic experimentation that would characterize VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS.

, , 12m
Sál ztracených kroků

In a series of juxtaposed images and sounds, Jaromil Jireš comments on the tragic premature death of thousands as well as their posterity due to the atomic bomb.

, 12m

Svit nežnej irónie

, , 8m

The desperate attempt of a father to connect to his autistic son.

, , 105m
Krásně sviť a krásně hleď, z uší roste krasohled
, , 8m

Malíř Kamil Lhoták
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, , 7m
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, , , 11m
Vraťme se všichni zpátky na zem
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, , 6m
Jiskra nad Vltavou
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, , 1m
O tom, jak se šaman Saša rozhodl vymítit démona z Putina
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, , 3m

, 27m

, 14m

, , 11m
Uvězněné sny
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, , , 17m
Dobré zprávy
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, , 35m
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"A post punk piece of pagan sensibility, complete with beastiality buggery and boundless energy. Maniacal filmmaking at its best. He takes his horse with him everywhere." Andrew Kötting

, , 12m

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Metalosis Maligna is a documentary about a disease that affects patients with medical implants.

, , 7m

Pan Hrstka
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One day in the life of Mr Hrstka, a blue collar worker and occasional pose model at the Prague academy of arts. Through this portrayal of an outsider, Paskaljevic explores the subject of isolation.

, , 8m

Tonda a bacil

, , 4m

Nový druh
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Three kids dig up a weird bone from some undiscovered species on the way to school.

, , 6m

, , 1m

, , 7m

, , 10m
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Edina, a young Jewish ballerina must fight for survival as she is snatched from her home and sent to a Nazi concentration camp.

, , , 18m

, , 4m

, , , 10m
Ondřej Vetchý je Přemysl Otakar II.
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, 25m
Wa Lakin Alardh Tadur

, , 19m

Ibrahim Shaddad’s graduation film Jagdpartie (1964), which he shot at the Deutsche Hochschule für Filmkunst Potsdam-Babelsberg (now: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF), is a treatise on racism. Shot in a forest in Brandenburg, it uses a Western look to portray the hunt for a Black man.

, 41m
Ne Za Gorami

, , 14m
Je mi 30 a život je na hovno
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, , 11m

Octobriana has to infiltrate an anarchist group that has stolen Lenin's finger in order to use its DNA to create a secret weapon.

, , , 24m
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, , 6m

7 divov Bratislavy
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, , , 12m
Cartuchos De Super Nintendo Em Anéis De Saturno

, 19m

, , 8m

, , 2m

Now take a deep breath, and open up your Heart Chakra.

, , 7m
Lukka Chuppi

, , 6m

, , 7m

, , 4m

Growing a leek is not that easy.

, , 3m
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, , 6m

, , 8m
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